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Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (01:50)
by Radium
My answer is yes. Why do people get all worked up over other's orientation? In my opinion, you have no right to tell someone that they can't be attracted to someone of the same sex. I mean, is it really your business?


Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:02)
by Vyacheslav
Yeah, they're fine. They're people too and deserved to be treated just as equally as anyone else. Although I would be a little freaked out if one tried to seduce me...

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:10)
by notsteve
i agree with 7

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:11)
by Tanner
I wouldn't say that I'm okay with gays.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:15)
by Skyling
Oh, I'm perfectly fine with them. In fact, more than perfectly fine with them.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:17)
by sept

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:23)
by Kablizzy
If you don't know how I am with the gays and the AIDS by now, you will never, ever, ever know me... Ooooohhhhh...

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (02:41)
by Zora_S_Kenneth
Most gays leave you alone once you say that you aren't interested. That said, just don't try to drag me down like most don't, and I'll be fine.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:02)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
I'm okay with gays. I'm not okay with the fact they've never hit on me. :(

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:11)
by yungerkid
i'm fine with gays. logically, there is no reason to have anger, let alone have anger at people for physical reasons. they can mess up their lives all they want, i don't care. just as long as it doesn't affect me, i'm fine with it.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:15)
by rambo5252
Not really, ive had gays hit on me while im talking to chicks it makes me so mad

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:25)
by Tanner
rambo5252 wrote:Not really, ive had gays hit on me while im talking to chicks it makes me so mad
Amen, brother. That's my problem too. I'm so massively handsome that dudes can't control themselves despite the fact that I'm so obviously hetero-leaning.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:31)
by Geti
im bi.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:31)
by jean-luc
I'm kind of stuck with being okay with gays, generally being at odds with oneself isn't any good. Okay, that sentence was crap.

I'm gay, so I must be okay with it.

I certainly avoid 'hitting on' people that are apparently heterosexual. Of course, I really don't 'hit on' anyone.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (03:36)
by Tanner
Admittedly, it isn't the fault of the gay community that I'm an Adonis.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:04)
by rambo5252
lol and one time my girlfriend was right next to me and the dude literly ok are u ready he tickled me and i slapped him so hard, then she broke up with me for slapping him lol w/e

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:05)
by Tanner
rambo5252 wrote:lol and one time my girlfriend was right next to me and the dude literly ok are u ready he tickled me and i slapped him so hard, then she broke up with me for slapping him lol w/e
You slapped another man? That's sort of... gay.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:11)
by rambo5252
no...i slapped him across the face

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:28)
by George
rambo5252 wrote:no...i turkey slapped him across the face

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:45)
by Fraxtil
Honestly, I'm not sure what to believe about gays. Being a Christian, I certainly believe that God is against gays... what I don't understand is why. Most rules given in the Bible can be reasonable from even an atheist's view (most rules are there because doing something would hurt someone else). However, homosexuality is not one of those rules. The only reason I could see for God saying no to being gay is because it focuses sexuality on pleasure, rather than procreation. Conversely, I don't believe that God wants us to be restricted of all sexual pleasure, namely in married couples. Therefore gays should be able to marry and enjoy each other, right? But no... the verses conflict. It's a topic which I'm very unsure about.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (04:57)
by Manifest
Gforce wrote:Honestly, I'm not sure what to believe about gays. Being a Christian, I certainly believe that God is against gays... what I don't understand is why. Most rules given in the Bible can be reasonable from even an atheist's view (most rules are there because doing something would hurt someone else). However, homosexuality is not one of those rules. The only reason I could see for God saying no to being gay is because it focuses sexuality on pleasure, rather than procreation. Conversely, I don't believe that God wants us to be restricted of all sexual pleasure, namely in married couples. Therefore gays should be able to marry and enjoy each other, right? But no... the verses conflict. It's a topic which I'm very unsure about.
I thought about this too, back when I was a Christian, until I found out that the only thing against gays in the Bible is in the chapter Leviticus. The same chapter that says if we wear two different cloths, we are spiritually unclean, and are required to take a ritual bath, with holy candles. Cumulatively, it also states that we should stone pretty much the entire population of New York CIty to death.

Essentially, Leviticus isn't taken at all seriously by even the most devout of fundies, and that passage is taken out of its ridiculous context only to justify their homophobia.

The Bible is gonna conflict on hundreds of things; you can use it for guidance, but most of the time you're gonna have to make your own judgement call.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (05:48)
by Fraxtil
Manifest wrote:
Gforce wrote:Honestly, I'm not sure what to believe about gays. Being a Christian, I certainly believe that God is against gays... what I don't understand is why. Most rules given in the Bible can be reasonable from even an atheist's view (most rules are there because doing something would hurt someone else). However, homosexuality is not one of those rules. The only reason I could see for God saying no to being gay is because it focuses sexuality on pleasure, rather than procreation. Conversely, I don't believe that God wants us to be restricted of all sexual pleasure, namely in married couples. Therefore gays should be able to marry and enjoy each other, right? But no... the verses conflict. It's a topic which I'm very unsure about.
I thought about this too, back when I was a Christian, until I found out that the only thing against gays in the Bible is in the chapter Leviticus. The same chapter that says if we wear two different cloths, we are spiritually unclean, and are required to take a ritual bath, with holy candles. Cumulatively, it also states that we should stone pretty much the entire population of New York CIty to death.

Essentially, Leviticus isn't taken at all seriously by even the most devout of fundies, and that passage is taken out of its ridiculous context only to justify their homophobia.

The Bible is gonna conflict on hundreds of things; you can use it for guidance, but most of the time you're gonna have to make your own judgement call.
The reason Christians don't believe in the random Jewish rules about cloths and baths and whatnot is because Jesus told us that the "ritualistic" or "religious" activities aren't necessary. Sexuality, on the other hand, is certainly not ritualistic. I'll need to run through the Gospels to confirm exactly what Jesus said, though.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (05:49)
by Tanner
Manifest wrote:I thought about this too, back when I was a Christian, until I found out that the only thing against gays in the Bible is in the chapter Leviticus.
That's not true. There's a verse or two in Romans, as well. Paul was always sort of a crackpot, though.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (05:55)
by scythe
I'm fine with homosexuals, as well as most other -sexuals and -philes.

Re: Are you okay with gays?

Posted: 2008.10.19 (06:04)
by Manifest
rennaT wrote:
Manifest wrote:I thought about this too, back when I was a Christian, until I found out that the only thing against gays in the Bible is in the chapter Leviticus.
That's not true. There's a verse or two in Romans, as well. Paul was always sort of a crackpot, though.
Mind citing them? I'd be glad to know if I missed them.
Gforce wrote:Sexuality, on the other hand, is certainly not ritualistic.
Maybe not now, but back then it was, beyond a shadow of a doubt. It was one of the most ritualized things around until about 200 years ago (or 50 years ago, depending on who you ask :P ).
My main point being, there are tons of things the Bible says we should stone people about. "Lying with another man as with a woman" is just one of those. If you go condemning them, you better also put on your witch hunting hat, as well as sentencing folks to death for saying "This soup is good enough for Jehovah."