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Postby darkcrusader » 2011.11.20 (19:35)

boustrophedon wrote:I really appreciate you kicking off this project. It's a damn shame NUMA went down right as you started it.
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor servers over quota nor even seeker drones can keep the Sunday N from the community!

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King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits
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Postby Lenny » 2011.11.21 (07:34)

darkcrusader wrote:I tried, but I'm not quite sure how to use Wordpress (I actually created a Wordpress blog when I was looking for ways to post the .pdf) and .pdfs, and I like the two-column format, because it looks more like a newspaper that way. Being said, I'm sure there's a way to do it on Wordpress, I just don't know how.
You couldn't post it up as PDFs as far as I'm aware (and unfortunately I'm not sure about the two-column setup, though I'm sure they'd have a way for you to create tables and put content in two separate columns of a 1-row table). I think it'd have just to be plain text (with formatting) and pictures (with formatting). It's a bit of a pain, but the RSS would be neato...

I've finished up my Uni work for the year and have little to do over the next three months, so if you'd like a hand (with putting things online, or anything else) feel free to let me know.
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER

<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
<&sforzando> Alright, no 247MHz for you.

Previous Custom Member Titles: Cross-Country Sticker King 2k10, Doing Out the Girls, Outdoing the Girls, Lenny Laser-Tits, King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits (current).

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Postby TheRealOne » 2011.12.09 (01:22)

darkcrusader wrote:
ska wrote:Maybe you could use TRO's weekly run down of the highscores community including new 0th changes as an article to make the Sunday N more robust.
Great suggestion! I was thinking of doing something like that, but later, once I get a feel for what I'm already doing.
Yeah I would be pretty stoked to have my weekly rundown included in the Sunday N. It is posted in the highscore rankings thread and here is latest one:

The timing that I post the rankings may not coincided perfectly with when you are writing the articles, but you can certainly just take the currently posted one.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby darkcrusader » 2011.12.09 (16:34)

TheRealOne wrote:
darkcrusader wrote:
ska wrote:Maybe you could use TRO's weekly run down of the highscores community including new 0th changes as an article to make the Sunday N more robust.
Great suggestion! I was thinking of doing something like that, but later, once I get a feel for what I'm already doing.
Yeah I would be pretty stoked to have my weekly rundown included in the Sunday N. It is posted in the highscore rankings thread and here is latest one:

The timing that I post the rankings may not coincided perfectly with when you are writing the articles, but you can certainly just take the currently posted one.

If you could email me the weekly rundown every week, that would be cool! I can go in the thread for this sunday's issue, but if I were emailed your weekly rundown it would be less of a headache on me.

Also, ska, I would have accepted this earlier, but I didn't know TRO was short for someone's username. Great suggestion!

Finally, to everyone else, sorry for the lack of content. I want to keep this thing going, but lack of NUMA = lack of content. To make the Sunday N more "Ntertaining" I take all the stories for a few weeks and compile them into one issue. Also I've had bills to pay, and thusly overtime to work. Also I have no internet. I can "borrow" my neighbor's wifi, but it's not advisable due to the irritable nature of people in general. Rest assured, this week's issue will arrive, come sleet, snow, or overtime. I won't let you guys down again. Stay tuned!

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Postby ska » 2011.12.16 (14:09) ... 11#p157811

big story to report, apart from just reporting numa's intermittent outages.

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