A Christmas Concept Contest!

Are you a rad N player or want to put some rad N players to the test? Talk about your skills and challenge each other at N in this forum.

Moderators: EddyMataGallos, TheRealOne

Posts: 21
Joined: 2010.07.11 (03:02)
NUMA Profile: http://nmaps.net/user/NachoCheese

Postby NachoCheese » 2011.12.20 (09:34)

Copy paste excellence. This contest is actually being run on NUMA, but it was suggested I should post it here.

Hey everybody. Nacho here. So, as NUMAcon doesn't really seem to be happening, probably because NUMA's been on the fritz, I thought I should take the initiative to hold my own contest, a Christmascon, of sorts. So who's keen?

The theme of this contest is concepts. You must create a map that implements a concept one would not see while playing your typical 10 columns of N. We're talking teleporters. We're talking thwump squeezes. We're even talking your ol fashioned "jump through the upside down oneway", if you think you can make a map of it.

But what would a Christmascon be without a bit of a Christmas theme? Bonus points will be awarded for the Christmassyness of your creation, even if that means you share what Christmas means for you or some such thing in the description.

Tag your map with christmascon. NReality allowed, of course. Contest ends New Years. Prizes include rates, comments, I'll write a review, advertising, but allocation of such prizes is TBD.

Currently this is a one man band, but if you can help, please do. If you can make banners for winners, tell me. If you want to judge, give me a heads up. Any questions feel free to ask.

Click! :D

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