Anyone is welcome to play (I won't be competing, however).
Essentially, I will assign a certain amount of points to each bounty assignment, with tougher assignments worth more points.
I will use the flags from Blur 4. If you don't have one, one will be assigned to you once you earn points. The first player to reach 1000 points will be declared the winner.
Keep an eye in this thread, as new assignments will be added daily. If the assignment has been achieved or expired, it will be crossed out like this. If the text is underlined, it means only one person can claim the bounty. If it is in regular type, multiple players can claim the bounty until it is struck out. All runs must be submitted on NReality to be counted.
OK, here's the twist. After being 2 weeks in (and Eddy looming near the 1000-point mark), I will allow people to set their own bounties (by PM) within certain guidelines. The run must be your own run, and whatever amount of points you set, you must have at least that amount. The map can be your own map, and you don't have to submit a demo until the deadline for that map is reached. The run you submit must be of fewer frames if in speedrun, or of higher score if in highscore mode. The run can be already submitted, or you can hold off on submitting; either choice is fine. If you lose the duel, you lose the amount of points you duelled with and Eddy (or whoever is 0th) gets those points. If, however, Eddy cannot get the score mentioned in the bounty quest (a tie counts as a win for Eddy), the dueller will take away the said amount of points from Eddy's stockpile. (So only pick runs you feel are your best) Also, the score limit has been increased from 1000 to 1500. GOOD LUCK, and if you don't understand any of this post, please post here so that I can try to answer your query...
0) Score 71.000 or higher on 13661 hs: 50 points
1) Sub 130 frames on 222857 sr: 20 points
2) Score 213.400 or higher on 219302 hs: 30 points
3) Score 158.200-158.650 on 222856 hs: 20 points
4) Score 158.675 or higher on 222856 hs: 45 points
5) Score 134.000 or higher on 133-3 hs: 75 points
6) Score 147.900 or higher on 86-4 hs: 100 points
7) Beat _Pai_Mei_'s 105974 sr score of 393 frames: 25 points
8) Beat my score of 171.900 on 56973 hs: 35 points
9) Score 148.000 or higher on 87920 hs: 10 points
10) Score 179.000 or higher on 85-3 hs: 100 points
11) Dethrone Analu from episode 81 hs: 100 points
12) Beat my score on 222884 hs: 15 points
13) Beat my score on 222855 hs: 30 points
14) Score 350+ on episode 46 hs: 100 points.
15) Beat my score on 159273 hs: 60 points.
16) Submit an all gold demo of any score on 157855 hs: 20 points
17) Beat xaelar's score on 139892 hs: 80 points
18) Beat 122.000 on 222933 hs: 30 points
19) Beat my score on 222923 hs: 35 points
20) Beat my 38815 sr: 25 points
21) 285 frames or less on 113072 sr: 65 points
22) 0th on 55596 hs in 5 days time (30 October 2012 12:00:00 NReality time): 100 points
23) Beat Meta_Ing's speedrun on 215364: 40 points (Thanks to zoas BE for this choice)
24) Dethrone Mr_Lim from 199-4 hs: 75 points (Score of 112.575 or higher)
25) Map Removed.
26) Protected Contest: 0th place on 223043 sr in 5 days time (27 October 2012 12:00:00 NReality time) 50 points
27) Protected Contest: 1st place on 223043 sr in 5 days time (27 October 2012 12:00:00 NReality time) 25 points
28) Protected Contest: 2nd place on 223043 sr in 5 days time (27 October 2012 12:00:00 NReality time) 10 points
29) Beat my highscore on 153351: 80 points
30) Beat my speedrun on 48284: 25 points
31) Beat my highscore on 12346: 30 points
32) Beat my highscore on 12348: 50 points
33) Beat my speedrun on 12348: 25 points
Players may also choose to place bounties on certain maps and players via PM, and if I deem it worthy, I will place a value amount for said map, as well as a target score or player to beat.
34) Reach 69.400+ on 143993 hs: 60 points
35) Reach 102.000+ on 223453 hs: 40 points
36) Reach 191.000+ on 221608 hs: 50 points
37) Beat Romaniac's score on 210445 hs: 75 points
38) Beat vankusss' run on 89-4 hs: 200 points
Final Result:

Congratulations to EddyMataGallos, a truly deserving victor.