RTA Speedruns

Do you own a copy of Metanet Software's console and handheld title? If so, talk about it here!
Almost as Bad as One
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Joined: 2015.03.20 (02:32)

Postby SuperMI10 » 2015.03.20 (02:44)

I've been playing N+ on Xbox 360 for quite a while now and have gotten into speedrunning certain sections of the game. Maybe I'll speedrun the whole game at some point. Anyways I was just wondering if anyone else does speedruns of this game using an external timer instead of doing IL's with an in-game timer. It is a fun game to speedrun and I also just want more competition. I made a leaderboard here --> http://www.speedrun.com/nplus if you're interested in posting a time. Please let me know if there is another leaderboard for this game for RTA (Real Time Attack) times.

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