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Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2009.12.31 (20:04)
by Ignate
Using Hermes, here. And you posted the same comic, by the way.
Also, DarkN, answer Turiski's question.

EDIT: You might want to resubmit the comic, it's a new page here.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2009.12.31 (21:50)
by DarkN
@Turiski - Sorry, didn't see that. Gotterdammerung is on indefinite hold until I cattle prod myself into getting the full version of Xchat, unless the others have gone on without me.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.01 (06:59)
by Turiski
For those who clicked page 11 without looking:


@ Dark: Oh, that's a terrible reason for something like that to burn. Isn't there another program that will work just as well? (I'd point you to one but I'm kind of an IRC n00b)

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.01 (08:27)
by DarkN
@Turiski: NaNoWriMo also contributed to it (I pretty much dropped everything else during November, then I found out that Xchat had expried, et cetera). I have found IceChat, which looks pretty good, so hopefully Gotterdammerung will be in development again soon (again, assuming they haven't gone on without me).

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.03 (21:06)
by Turiski

@ Dark: Good to hear.

@ all: Happy New Year! Turiski's Comic-Related New Year's Resolution is to draw two times a week. By February I'd really like to see three times. You would think this wouldn't be hard, but effing English...

For those interested in my ongoing quest to make the comic online look more like the comic on paper, I have this to say:

My initial reaction to the technicals of this comic is "ugh" but the fact that it looks white in the background makes me very happy. The third panel text's lack of clear contrast makes me groan, though. Small note: the last comic used the old technique and this one the new one plus some heavy alterations.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.11 (04:28)
by Turiski

@all: I'm going to be short-winded because I have homework. I went one week without breaking my resolution. Yay!

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.17 (21:12)
by Turiski

@ all: Well. Another good week. I think something in me has clicked gave me a large injection of enthusiasm.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.19 (16:17)
by Maligus
# 169 is interesting
im thinking that its suggesting that the ninja is insane or lonely....or both

and # 170 is great

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.23 (11:06)
by Zer0
Are you a Sketch artist? Those drawings look sketched, and awsome looking! Not telling you that they are bad or anything...

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.25 (04:07)
by Turiski

@ Maligus: It's great to hear from you again.

@ zer0: [ModeratorMode]People generally find it annoying when you post in colors. I know others have done it in the past, but it's generally frowned upon.[/ModeratorMode]
I don't feel like I draw 'well' because living things tend to be beyond my grasp, so I wouldn't call myself an artist. To answer the question, though, the comics are entirely done on paper and presented to you (usually) in their raw form. Now that I said that, though, I'm wondering what it might look like if I did touchups on the computer. I probably won't because that takes a lot of time, time I don't really have. That was a kind of random thought.

@ all: I'm hoping to update Wednesday. I think I have enough done that that's possible now.
EDIT: Photobucket decided to be stupid.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.31 (17:06)
by Ignate
I'm afraid I missed something. Why did the terminal become a simple square? Didn't it have letters on it and pipes?

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.01.31 (18:30)
by Turiski

@ Ignate: I believe you're looking for #160. The letters' disappearance is implied.
A slightly longer explanation

It was removed because the .sol was detecting its access, which was what caused the alert in the first place. That's also why octagon wants square to set up standalone, because for some reason he thinks that will help.

@ all: Drama! Also, I really like the way the lighter tone of this compared to, say, the one in 160. In other news, tennis started again this week, and we're playing 3 hrs / day instead of 2 so homework is my entire after school life right now. Yay!

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.02.11 (01:22)
by Turiski

@ all: Officially I think we're allowed to talk about the AMC now. So, did any of you take it? Thoughts?

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.02.16 (01:55)
by Turiski

@ all: Well, I missed Sunday, again. But it's closer than Thursday! Also, I'm not promising an update on Wednesday, but if one happens to slip in...

Second - Is anyone watching the olympics? I feel like the only one out of my friends...

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.02.21 (19:12)
by Turiski

@ all: I figured I'd put this one out on time for a change.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.01 (03:23)
by Turiski

@ all: And the Olympics are over. Back to run-of-the-mill television shows. :(
In the US we saw so much ice skating. I like ice skating but this was ridiculous. Especially when there are probably cool sports that got no coverage at all to put in so much of the skating.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.08 (03:24)
by Turiski

@ all: Nice to see all of you again. I feel like it's been ages. That's probably just because I've had who knows how much homework, and not related to the fact that it's been a stupidly long time.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.15 (04:52)
by Turiski
@ all: I don't usually post without comics, but I also usually post on Sundays. I figured that I would give up one for the other to bring you this special announcement. In case anyone out there is still reading this, I have to apologize because I managed to misplace comic 178. With any luck it can be reconstructed by Tuesday, but there are three tennis games this week rather than two so I will not guarentee another release until next Sunday. Thank you for understanding.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.16 (03:26)
by Turiski

@ all: What can I say? Things worked out better than I had hoped, I guess.

I'd also like to practically promise the rate of posting will dramatically increase over the next month. I don't think I'll keep up the pace after that but for now you can expect .sol of N's faster than ever before. Unless you're capt_weasle or something and you remember the "two comics per day" bit...

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.20 (06:12)
by Turiski

@ all: Another one!

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.25 (00:26)
by capt_weasle
Turiski wrote:Unless you're capt_weasle or something and you remember the "two comics per day" bit...
Say what now?

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.26 (14:27)
by Turiski
@ capt: At the very, very beginning when I was full of youthful optimism that I'd catch up real soon, I was posting a pretty consistant 1.5 comics/day. That lasted for all of four days, if that.

@ all: Some of you might have noticed I am inverting the order today, and that's because I have three comics to present. I really meat that the pace would be faster, life simply hasn't cooperated to give me better pacing. The fourth one has some sizing issues; hopefully it will be up later today. Here goes:




Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.03.29 (23:21)
by Turiski


@ all: Two more comics for my adoring fans.

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.04.01 (13:39)
by Turiski


@ all: And another two!

Re: The .sol of N

Posted: 2010.04.05 (04:08)
by Turiski


@ all: Despite the hurried schedule, I decided to update on Sunday. And as impossible as it sounds, the pace is about to get even crazier. And even more impossible, I am nominating 188 for a comic I actually like -more- on the screen than on the paper.

Yes, things are turning upside down in my little world.