Project MetaNovel

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Postby Universezero » 2009.04.08 (06:32)

Oh yes, and while you're editing the first post, get rid of the annoying green text. Make it normal; it's very annoying.

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Postby Destiny » 2009.04.08 (22:15)

Well, I do love to write. Although i may procrastinate from it every now and then. I think i'm fairly decent and all, I've done mostly story beginnings which i've then realized weren't going anywhere and stopped writing them. I've done a single short story, which was pretty suckish, and i'm currently writing a Bleach-based story (with different characters, in a different time, blah blah. Just the same concept of Death Gods and reiatsu whatnot.) which is fairly decent if i'm allowed to say so ^^

My idea:

Us forumers wake up on an island, confused and bewildered. We band together in a somewhat sloppy effort to survive with lots of sarcasm. We discover some island natives exploring the island in search of foods and stuff. We don't speak to them but they appear to be sacrificing or torturing one of their own women, as we watch from somewhere unseen (a bush or something?). We decide to stay away, but it is only a couple of days before one of them finds our camp. We try to take him out but he manages to lose us due to his superior knowledge of the landscape. They attack us during that night and we're forced to flee into the jungle which occupies the majority of this island. Not everybody is so lucky, many of us are captured and taken to their camp - put in cages and slowly begin to starve to death. Disheveled afraid and disorganised, we do what we can to find each other, and recapture our lost metabuddies.

Hehe. I so didnt get carried away. Here are links to the stories i've done/started before. The top of the list is my oldest, so it gets better as you go down the list. More or less. You should paste them into word for best results.

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Postby DoctorAperture » 2009.04.08 (22:51)

okay well i edited the page to show me as editor... thats my job :p
random stuff

Thanks tp pawz and GTM for the sig

obligatory ad for my comic(s)


LittleViking wrote:Oh, sure. I just hope this doesn't open the door to new jokes instead, you know? I'd hate for this to shed some light on more name-related puns. Maybe now they can focus their efforts elsewhere.
Awww, so cute!


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Postby Yoshimo » 2009.04.11 (04:28)

I would like to join up. PM me about basic story/charecters so I can think of some plot.

Why? Because, I'm not sure I want to read through the entire topic.


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Postby Rikaninja » 2009.04.28 (10:22)

Bye everybody.

UZ, you can keep this going. I'm leaving.

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Postby Universezero » 2009.04.29 (08:41)

Rikaninja wrote:Bye everybody.

UZ, you can keep this going. I'm leaving.
Can you ask an admin to change the first post to mine?

EDIT: Okay, this is being run by me now. PM me anything regarding this. Also, we're starting.

Title: ---
Characters: Members of the Metanet community
Climax/Problem: A real life event that relates to the forums (ie, a giant war headed by b_t could be the Tetris Takeover)
Length: 10-100 pages
Location: The Forums
Tense and Time: Medievil, Lord of the Rings time
Genre: Lord of the Rings genre

Send me anything you can on this; ideas, paragraphs, and then when we fully know what we're doing, we'll assign writing.

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Postby bobaganuesh_2 » 2009.08.01 (23:47)

Communist wrote:I'm in.

My idea was a epic-adventure (with a side order of comedy), featuring the metanet peoples here.

A test para (edited slightly by UniverseZero) is here.

The wagon was trundling along the street, bouncing up on the wet cobblestones. Inside, wedgie sighed. Suki raised his eyebrows, and inquired "What's wrong wedgie?" "Well Suki, I just... wanted to know... how do you make babies?" LV,in the front, coughed heavily. Kablamo flushed. Suki's eyebrows were almost above his head. "Oh, why?" replied the suave Suki. Then, out of the darkness a voice is heard. "You wanna find out?" says Dave.

It would have a late medieval/ early renaissance time, be written in third person, and best of all, feature guest-appearances from well, we could put anyone from TheRealN in it. Also, action would be cool.

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Postby ska » 2009.08.07 (03:04)

capt_weasle wrote:I think that each person writing different parts of the same narrative would just get too confusing. How about having one concrete storyline but from the perspective of multiple people? That way style wouldn't randomly change mid-paragraph.

IDEA NUMBER TWO: Or, we could continue the idea of having everyone write little bits and pieces, but then when it is finished have one or two people go through the whole thing and polish it up, or something around that. I just question the ability of the majority of the people here to be able to write a decent "novel".

Other than that, it sounds like an interesting idea. Not sure if I'm in.
I really like this idea!

We could do some kind of post 2012 Armageddon story from different people and have the stories eventually link up and intertwine.

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Postby Yoshimo » 2009.08.07 (23:31)

ska wrote:from different people and have the stories eventually link up and intertwine.
Sounds a lot like Lost, but I still like it.


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Postby ska » 2009.08.08 (08:14)

BionicCryonic wrote:
ska wrote:from different people and have the stories eventually link up and intertwine.
Sounds a lot like Lost, but I still like it.
I love lost! :P

But hey, a winning formula is a winning formula.

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