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A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.04 (13:24)
by ChrisE
I am...
well, I want to be an author. One day. Well. For the purpose of this anyway.

So why don't I start off writing about friends before delving into the world of made-up characters with sensible plots and decent character development.
I have a simple plan in mind, of maybe ten characters, (myself included), being stuck somewhere with our plan obviously being to escape.

We can have protagonists, antagonists, indifferents, children, whatever. All I am asking for is, if you want to be a main character or be mentioned or have a (whatever a cameo is for book... you know, like standing in the background looking cool) then just drop some minor character details here. :D

Cheers guys and gals.

If worst comes to worst, we'll just end up locked in a hotel run by the villainous SlappyMcGee and his sidekick Isaacx.
Also as a sidenote, I am not looking for other authors, just characters.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.04 (13:35)
by Vyacheslav
Can LV actually be a real viking?

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.04 (13:37)
by ChrisE
l'oeuvre wrote:Can LV actually be a real viking?
Yes, yes he can.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.04 (15:09)
by aids
Dave can play Aberforth and have a secret passageway to Hogwarts in his bar.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.05 (03:16)
by Slayr
Can I have multiple cameos(?) in this book just doing something in the background? Doesn't matter what, anything you can come up with.
Or make my character a bear fighter.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.05 (03:29)
by chocollama
My name is Josh Woods. I volunteer to be the dramatic death at the end of the story.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.05 (20:48)
by Universezero
Arstar (the RPG held on IRC) does essentially this. ChaoStar is editing our first year or so of role plays into a book, and apparently it's pretty good.

EDIT: We've just started our new 'season' I guess, so if you like writing, now's a great time to join.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.07 (09:12)
by remm
Alright, so what's the direction we want to take this?

I'm not a writer, but you can bounce ideas off me, and I can certainly proofread/add lines to the story.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.08 (23:56)
by otters~1
scythe and I will be the Wayne and Garth* types who constantly fuck everything up because of pot.

*substitute Harold and Kumar if you are young and uncultured

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.09 (02:45)
by chocollama
I AM young and uncultured!! Thanks flag, you're a real pal.

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.10 (13:40)
by Apakenua
I would like to volunteer! :I

Re: A Metanet Novel?

Posted: 2011.08.10 (18:17)
by squibbles
boustrophedon wrote:scythe and I will be the Wayne and Garth* types who constantly fuck everything up because of pot.

*substitute Harold and Kumar if you are young and uncultured
I was always a bigger fan of Cheech and Chong.