Anyone see the goat movie?

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.11.15 (21:21)

'Cause it was awesome.

Jeff Bridges rocked the house.
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.11.15 (23:53)

I thought it had it's share of problems. (I'm looking at you, last third of the film.)

Like, it was fucking hilarious at times, and sometimes it wasn't, but that was still okay, because it had really good pacing. And then, Spoiler, they arrive at Kevin Spacey's psi-ops base, and it becomes a little bit fucking silly, which is still okay. Like, I liked how silly it became because it was a political comedy up to that point, and what's sillier than politics? But it kind of lost that feel towards the end for me. And it was never funny enough to stand losing it's edge, so I would give it a respectable 7.5/10. (I wanted to give it a seven, but that's what I think I gave where the wild things are, and I liked this much more.)

That being said, Robert Patrick (You may know him as the T-1000!) was hysterical, and I love Kevin Spacey to death (favorite actor of all time.)

And Ewan. <3.

And, just while I'm on the subject, the scene where Spacey is testing out the Psychic effects of LSD on the guy with the red light and the noises was god-damn amazing.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.11.16 (02:13)

No words on Bridges? I thought his performance single-handedly lifted the movie a couple stars.

(The LSD bit was good, but the funniest moment of the movie was either "tough titties, Annie," or, "stop acting so fucking queer." Yeah, I know, a man of indiscriminate taste.)
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.11.16 (02:45)

flagmyidol wrote:No words on Bridges? I thought his performance single-handedly lifted the movie a couple stars.

(The LSD bit was good, but the funniest moment of the movie was either "tough titties, Annie," or, "stop acting so fucking queer." Yeah, I know, a man of indiscriminate taste.)
Bridges was just playing the Dude with weaker writing.

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Postby blackson » 2009.11.17 (19:27)

I thought this movie was extremely sub-par. All of the characters were two-deminsional, the plot was ridiculous (nothing came together in a realistic manner, they happen to get rescued in the middle of the desert and wake up in a psi-ops base), and there were only a handful of humurous lines.

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Postby Aldaric » 2009.11.18 (21:58)

How bad can a movie be if it has a goat? I don't trust you Blackson!

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.11.18 (23:51)

Blackson, I agree with everything you said, up to here:
Blackson wrote:...and there were only a handful of humorous lines.
Also, what you saw as a negative, I see as a positive, mostly. It was satirical, and made fun of itself more than a little.

(Slappy: you're right, but again that's still a positive--just a lesser one.)
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Postby TheEverPresent » 2010.01.12 (03:54)

So, so good. the queer bit was my personal favorite.
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Postby Nexx » 2010.01.12 (05:11)

It certainly had it moments. The first 2/3rds were pretty entertaining, especially the way the narrative leaves you wondering if there is some unexplainable truth to the paranormal aspect or if it's all just bluffs, hoaxes, and dumb luck. Unfortunately, for the last 1/3, the screenwriters seemed to decide to throw it all to the wind, get high, and write the first thing that came to mind. And that was disappointing, and put a damper on the earlier material. Overall, I don't think it's bad, but I can't say I'd recommend it.

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