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You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2013.09.25 (17:02)
by james_S
(If you haven't heard of NUMA maps, you should really check it out here )

Simply Paste in your Nv2 map codes into this converter: -then go to numa, click submit map enter the converted code and numa will convert it further it seems so it would work. -Otherwise if you paste the code directly into the text box to load user levels in n1.4 it wouldnt work unless you do manual changes which are a bit long. IMPORTANTLY due to N1.4 being different to N2.0 in many ways, its important to test your map on n1.4 -and for this I recommend to submit the map first but then 'delist' it until you play test it.

To get the data of the map:
-When making a map in Nv2 editor go to the menu (by pressing escape like you normally do) then press the 'page down' key (as instructions show) to bring up the menu (make sure your cursor isn't in the text field otherwise wont work). You can save your maps as text (the code) this way generally.
-Or if its a map you published already, use this link followed by the code of the map (numbers in its url) to get its map data

(Note Nv2 Editor also shows an option to show the code of the map in n1.4 format ..but it doesnt work me)

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.12 (08:29)
by Vanquish
Sweet! I've been looking for a converter for a while now. Thanks!

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.14 (23:02)
by zoasBE
-R3D_N1NJ4- wrote:Sweet! I've been looking for a converter for a while now. Thanks!
Wow Reddy, seriously? For what?

Anyway, the converter and the explanation of the method was here since about a week after the official publication of the first version of N2.0. That's actually a lot. I even used it and explained in a the23 map many time ago. (wow June '13, half of a year ago) by the way, try that map, it is NReality and is a cool tiny concept. Hope you like it.

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.27 (23:11)
by Fujita Seiko seems to be offline now, is this temporary?

I would like to upload my maps there.

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.28 (00:17)
by james_S
hey Fujita, can you even log in with your account? i had to create an N1.4 account as my Nv2 one didnt work.

and when you download Nreality (better than just n1.4), and go to 'user levels', notice the load numa map button at the very top, to play maps and see scores

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.28 (01:09)
by Fujita Seiko

Well the side was just offline, but now I see it allready up again.

So I think a have to make a new account. But I not sure if I should do it. Because I thought I could just let people now there it only for Nv2.
Lots of maps of my cant be playd in n1.4 or reallity ( especially with trumps in the wall).

So I think about it :)

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.28 (01:10)
by Fujita Seiko
Ow, now its down again. Think Numa got some isseus :P

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.28 (14:54)
by zoasBE
Fujita Seiko wrote:Ow, now its down again. Think Numa got some isseus :P
I do not know what you mean. NUMA has long been a completely steady site.
Anyway, I'm really glad that you finally got into the community, Fujita, both in NUMA and in Forums. Welcome dude!
As you said, I think a large amount of your Nv2 maps will not work properly at Nv1.4 or just be completely different and also in concepts or ideas, given the differences in mechanics between the two versions. Even more when you use objects such as concrete way like you did. You know, especially any kind of doors, also drones/floorguards/thwumps/etc.. interacting with them, one-ways, or others game mechanics that are different on each version, check and playtest your maps for 1.4 version. Yeah, it's really cool you got into v1.4 mapping scene! NUMA lately really needed someone like you to bring some freshness and ingenuity. I'm happy!

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.01.28 (16:33)
by Fujita Seiko
Yeah It really was down yesteday!

Thank you so much for your big welcome and compliments. Idd I think lots of maps don't work on Meta, so I don't no how much I will post there.
I was on Numa before btw. by The_Snaffer. But I wasn't that good back than, that was years ago. Snaffer was my nickname when I was younger.

I like to be more in the communtie :). Maybe somethimes I will be away for some weeks, but I always come back.

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.07.21 (11:07)
by legendklokpok
Very handy, but doesnt work sometimes.
I tried to convert my "Screams" map, but every object turned into gold :/

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2014.08.26 (22:44)
thanks for this , ive just put my first map onto numa you will probably recognise it

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2015.03.23 (04:49)
by wumbla
it didn't work for me, it turned all the items to doors...
any solution or am I doing something wrong?

Re: You CAN upload your Nv2 maps onto the NUMA maps site

Posted: 2015.03.23 (05:51)
by sidke
just a psa, you can also use to get n1.4 data from n2 data