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Jusat cant seem to pass a09.

Posted: 2015.04.04 (19:51)
by somename
I have been trying since a month .. and I am stuck on this level. Any help appreciated.


Re: Jusat cant seem to pass a09.

Posted: 2015.04.04 (22:34)
by EddyMataGallos
This particular level was already asked some time ago, but I can't find the thread. Anyway, here's the video I recorded:

Re: Jusat cant seem to pass a09.

Posted: 2015.04.07 (23:54)
by somename
I DID it .. I completed all of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O de lally .. O de lally .. Golly What a day !!

Re: Jusat cant seem to pass a09.

Posted: 2015.04.08 (13:21)
by SpartaX18
Woah, i expected a question about b7-4 instead of/after asking about a9-4 (imo b7-4 is unquestionably the hardest level in 2.0). Well, nothing else to say except good job :]

Re: Jusat cant seem to pass a09.

Posted: 2015.04.08 (18:31)
by oxymoron93
Awesome job! :D