Drug help ( read before assuming )

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Postby Sunset » 2011.11.16 (22:50)

So, my brother has a bit of a "drug problem". He can't hide shit from my parents. They always find his stashes, etc etc. I'm not involved yet, but there's been a lot of arguing, a lot of tension, paranoia, and such in my home. It's gotten so serious that it's began to affect my academics, to an extent (I.E., not turning in homework at times). Though it hasn't affected me all too much, it's still gotten to me somewhat. And earlier today, my brother went to me in Biology class and pulled me out of class (he got his friend to ask me to leave, teacher said it was alright). He asked for my locker and locker combo, and I gave it to him, stupidly. It was only later that I realized what I had done. And just a bit earlier, my mom and I went to my locker to check out the scene, and to see if he stashed any drugs in my locker. He didn't, to our knowledge, unless he pried open the locked with a crowbar and hid them under it... Which is, y'know, far out. What I want to know is, do you think there's still a chance that he can hide drugs in something of mine, or if he has the potential to get his friends to do it for him?

tl;dr, brother hides drugs, I need to know potential places he can hide it that can be to my disadvantage.

He has virtually no access to the house, only to my locker, and maybe the rooms in school where we can put our stuff for later on in the day. Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb post, I'm just not going to take any chances anymore. Not trying to get involved in this AT ALL, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.11.17 (02:52)

There isn't any reason for him not to keep pot on his person in school unless y'all have frequent visits from drug dogs. Still, a locker is a dumb, obvious place to put shit to avoid dogs -- we used to put ours in the hollow tube of the outside staircase's railing.

I don't really think he would put it in your locker anyway if he's thinking rationally (which of course he might not -- you didn't specify which drugs), because it's then going to be fairly obvious what happened if "you" get caught.

I don't know your home situation but I would normally assume you have a lot more to worry about there. Almost infinite number of places to stash in a typical house, especially if the smell is masked.
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Postby Sunset » 2011.11.17 (02:59)

boustrophedon wrote:There isn't any reason for him not to keep pot on his person in school unless y'all have frequent visits from drug dogs. Still, a locker is a dumb, obvious place to put shit to avoid dogs -- we used to put ours in the hollow tube of the outside staircase's railing.

I don't really think he would put it in your locker anyway if he's thinking rationally (which of course he might not -- you didn't specify which drugs), because it's then going to be fairly obvious what happened if "you" get caught.

I don't know your home situation but I would normally assume you have a lot more to worry about there. Almost infinite number of places to stash in a typical house, especially if the smell is masked.
He hides weed.

That's the thing, he doesn't think rationally. He thinks with the mentality of, "If it works, I'll do it.". And yes, that's what I'm afraid of. If "I" get caught. That's going to be fucking annoying to explain to the school board when they're going to be thinking I harbored drugs.

I'll keep this short: Since August, family's been fighting with each other over various things (school, money, XBox). Things have gotten bad, house is being broken by my brother and dad because of their anger towards one another. I can deal with it for now, but I know I'm going to snap soon.

Lol, funny you say that. My dad checks the house daily to see if he hid his weed anywhere. Seriously. He checked my room, the ones we never use, boiler room, unused bathrooms, list can go on.

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.11.17 (03:27)

Purple Hair wrote:He hides weed.

That's the thing, he doesn't think rationally. He thinks with the mentality of, "If it works, I'll do it.". And yes, that's what I'm afraid of. If "I" get caught. That's going to be fucking annoying to explain to the school board when they're going to be thinking I harbored drugs.

I'll keep this short: Since August, family's been fighting with each other over various things (school, money, XBox). Things have gotten bad, house is being broken by my brother and dad because of their anger towards one another. I can deal with it for now, but I know I'm going to snap soon.

Lol, funny you say that. My dad checks the house daily to see if he hid his weed anywhere. Seriously. He checked my room, the ones we never use, boiler room, unused bathrooms, list can go on.
It would be a lot easier to restrict his access to weed than to restrict his access to hiding places. Maybe you could suggest that? (I also guarantee that your dad does not do a complete search of the house, because that's impossible. He does a search of places your brother has used before or might obviously use. There are always many more.)

As far as school goes, exercise some common sense instead of letting this become a potential threat to you. Tell an administrator that your brother (or "friend" if you want to try to protect him) has your code and could easily hide pot in your locker soon. Then switch lockers. If he threatens you for the new code go to your parents.

If your parents refuse to help or can't help then you know what the next step is. But hopefully you don't have to do that.

EDIT: one last; you might try pointing out to your brother that no one is going to believe that the pot in your locker is yours rather than his, especially if you tell someone first. I'm assuming he's older than you, and iirc you're about 15 which makes it, while not impossible, unlikely, relative to your brother, that the pot is yours. (Given his previous history as well.)
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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2011.11.19 (11:17)

Purple Hair wrote:Lol, funny you say that. My dad checks the house daily to see if he hid his weed anywhere. Seriously. He checked my room, the ones we never use, boiler room, unused bathrooms, list can go on.
You have a boiler room? That's pretty sweet.
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Postby  yahoozy » 2011.11.19 (13:14)

He knows what he's doing. Smart people smoke Mary Jane, remember?

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.11.19 (21:12)

Aidiera wrote:He knows what he's doing. Smart people smoke Mary Jane, remember?
Really nice avatar. But if they were parallel it would be horrible. If they were parallel it would be horrible.
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Postby squibbles » 2011.11.20 (15:32)

If he hides it somewhere that you could be blamed for it, take it and smoke it all.



Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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