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Help me win an iPhone! (Through the power of Facebook)

Posted: 2011.05.09 (09:16)
by Universezero
Being the deprived little child that I am, I have yet to get one yet. So how can you help, I hear you ask? Go to the following page and like the photo of me in a suit! Easy!, etc.

The highest is at roughly 100 likes, so if I can get the whole community behind me, I might have a chance! Here's the photo, for those that don't like clicking suspicious links without seeing what's in them first:


EDIT: Also, if I win, I'll be the face of Frank Casey suit hire for the next year. Don't know if that's good or not, but hey, iPhone!

Re: Help me win an iPhone! (Through the power of Facebook)

Posted: 2011.05.09 (16:35)
by Rose
If I had a Facebook I'd totally like that photo. You look bitchin'.

Re: Help me win an iPhone! (Through the power of Facebook)

Posted: 2011.05.09 (22:00)
by otters~1
I would like it if I ... liked it.

Re: Help me win an iPhone! (Through the power of Facebook)

Posted: 2011.05.09 (23:12)
by Slayr

Re: Help me win an iPhone! (Through the power of Facebook)

Posted: 2011.05.10 (04:38)
by Universezero
Nostromo wrote:I would like it if I ... liked it.
You mean that you don't? :(