A New N?

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Postby lfaber » 2012.06.25 (01:38)

Remember Line Rider?
That game got so popular that they made a more sophisticated version.
Mistalker06 has been posting a lot of maps with attached "blueprints" to them, and I'm wondering if creating a more sophisticated N, with graphics like the ones in those "blueprints", is even possible. I would like to know what it would take to do that, and if possible, get a project started.
I'm willing to donate moneys.

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Postby Tanner » 2012.06.25 (01:56)

I've never looked at the source but I suspect that the actual tiles in N were just draw shapes rather than an actual tileset/spritesheet. That said, in its simplest form, I'll bet that this change would not be hard: make N tiles to be drawn from a png rather than an equation. Someone with the barest amount of programming knowledge could do it but I would recommend that they ask Metanet's permission before propagating the fruits of their labours.
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Postby otters~1 » 2012.06.25 (03:30)

I need a link to the more sophisticated version of Linerider. Is it just the lineriders people made with landscapes in the background?
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Postby lfaber » 2012.06.28 (22:26)

centerƒire wrote:I need a link to the more sophisticated version of Linerider. Is it just the lineriders people made with landscapes in the background?
It´s called line rider 2: unbound.
But seriously, lets focus on N please!
For example, how would I contact metanet about this, because I can definitely do the programming-with some help.

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Postby Tanner » 2012.06.29 (03:00)

'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby DW40 » 2012.06.29 (12:29)

This is a terrible idea

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Postby Harveyy » 2012.06.29 (23:24)

Hmm, to be honest I think the reason N is so popular is because of it's simplicity. I actually ignore maps with special tilesets like the ones you've attached because I can't play them ebcause all the new colours etc on the screen confuse me. I guess if i was used to this it would be okay, but i think it is needlessly complicating soemthign thats good enough as it is in all honesty.
Found N March 2012.

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Postby ENT474 » 2012.07.01 (13:29)

I mean, to be quite frank:


I really don't think that it would be a good idea. NReality already does that, so making the system attached to N would be pretty useless. The people who want to have them can use it, while the rest can use N. I can't really imagine people making "texture packs" for maps when it's only for the small percentage of people who really care about making it look nice by adding a foreground etc. (no offense to miststalker and others who do that, I'm just saying that not a lot of mappers do that, or that looks don't matter in a map.) Also, I don't think it can be made much more user-friendly; it's already quite simple, as far as I can tell.

So, in essence, it would be a waste of everybody's time, since it would take more time than it's worth (I assume that converting it to that system as ranneT suggested would take quite a bit of effert.)

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