#n Operator Elections April 2011 Information

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Postby KinGAleX » 2011.04.16 (04:55)

Welcome to the information thread for the April 2011 #n Operator Elections. I decided it was time to try something a little more democratic in the community, and so I brought together an Election Committee, including maestro and AlliedEnvy, to flesh out the details of an operator election. Hopefully this exercise in democracy will promote excellent debate and rhetoric, and allow for the citizens of #n to have a little more say in the administration of the channel.

The Operator Positions

Available Positions

All operator positions in #n are to be democratically elected. The number of positions to be granted is equal to either half the number of nominees (rounded up) or eight: whichever is the lesser.

Term Length

Term length is three calendar months. If the process is popularly deemed a success, elections will likely be held at the termination of prior terms.


Operators may not appoint other users to be operators.

Super-operators (and above) reserve the right to put an elected operator on probation if he or she is deemed to be behaving extremely inappropriately or performing malicious dickery. An elected operator may only be dismissed by a decision by a majority of the group of super-operators and above. In this case, a by-election will be held.

If by-elections are forced by the dismissal of more than half of the elected operators within a term, a hung parliament will be called, and either a new election will be held, or a meritocracy reinstated.

The Election


To be a citizen of #n you must be a corporeal person and have posted at least one hundred lines in #n in the three months prior to the date of this post, or have been present there for at least 90% of the time.


Anyone who is a citizen of #n, and is not a sop or higher in #n, may nominate themselves for an operator position. Being a nominee does not make you a registered voter. You must follow the instructions under the Voter heading to register to vote.

Please nominate yourself in and provide the relevant information as prescribed in the #n Operator Elections 2011 April Nominations Thread. Nominations will be open until 2359 UTC+12 on the 27th of April 2011.

Being a member of the forum has no bearing on whether or not you are a citizen of #n.


Anyone who is a citizen of #n has the right to vote in these elections. If you wish to vote, you must register by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject "#n Op Elections Voter Registration" and containing your IRC username. The email address from which you send this email will be your registered email address, and must be used to submit your voting form on Election Day.

You will receive a return email acknowledging your registration and advising you whether or not you have been successful in registering. If you do not receive a return email within 48 hours, check that you sent your email to the correct address, and if so, send another email of the same type, including "URGENT" within its subject.


A voter who chooses to vote must fill out the form emailed to him or her prior to Election Day in the manner prescribed on the form, and email it to [email protected] on Election Day. Votes will be counted using the STV system.

Early Voting

You may apply for an early voting form by emailing [email protected], after you have registered, requesting one, and giving reasons as to why you deserve an early voting form. The giving out of early voting forms is entirely up to the Committee's discretion.

Election Day

Election Day will be from 0000 UTC+12 on the 30th of April to 2359 UTC-12 on the 30th of April. Votes received outside these times will not be counted unless you were granted an early voting form.


Results will be announced and administered within the week following Election Day.


Campaigning is only allowed in threads authored by me including in their title "#n Operator Elections April 2011", or in The Pie Forum. Slogans or banners may be inserted in forum signatures or avatars, but be advised that forum staff will exercise full discretion when dealing with contravention of this protocol. The Election Committee will not take any breaches lightly, and will treat them on a case-by-case basis.


Ask any questions you have about the process in this thread, and if the answers are not readily derivable from this information, I will do my best to append them appropriately.
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Postby scythe » 2011.04.18 (06:02)

22:27 <&KinGAleX> Hey, why have so few people registered to vote in #n op elections?
22:28 <&KinGAleX> Does no-one actually /want/ to vote!?
22:28 < Rose> I registered, btw.
22:28 <&scythe> Oh, I meant to.
22:28 <&KinGAleX> You're basically giving meritocratic power to the current sops.
22:28 <&scythe> E-mail is a pain sometimes.
22:28 <&KinGAleX> Since they constitute most of who has registered.
22:28 <&scythe> That info thread doesn't show on new posts, KA.
22:28 <&scythe> That's why I didn't notice it at first.
22:28 <&KinGAleX> No, it doesn't.
22:28 < Rose> Is there a way to hook my Zune up to my Xbox and play stuff?
22:28 <&KinGAleX> Can you bump it?
22:28 < Rose> I wouldn't be surprised given that they're both Microsoft.
22:28 <&scythe> There needs to be discussion in there, not in the nomination thread.
22:28 <&scythe> Move all the off-topic posts over.
22:28 < Zilla> I registered!
22:29 <&KinGAleX> There aren't any off-topic posts in the nom thread.
22:29 <&scythe> Or tell Yahoozy to do it.
22:29 <&scythe> o.O
22:29 < Zilla> Rose, you just plug it in.
22:29 < Zilla> At least as far as I know.
22:29 < Rose> Seriously?
22:29 <&KinGAleX> Nom thread is just full of noms.
22:29 < Zilla> Doesn't the Zune have a mass-storage mode?
22:29 < Rose> With my standard USB?
22:29 < Rose> I have no idea.
22:29 <&scythe> Maybe then should registration instructions be in the topic.
22:29 <&scythe> The IRC and the forums are not the same crows.
22:29 <&KinGAleX> Man, I send emails so regularly I forget that other people don't register.
22:29 <&scythe> crowd*
22:29 <&KinGAleX> ...
22:29 <&scythe> Suki and Blizz are big forum guys.
22:29 <&KinGAleX> email*
22:29 < Zilla> Just try plugging it in.
22:29 < Zilla> It should work.
22:29 <&scythe> It's hard to get them on IRC.
22:29 <&KinGAleX> Type /topic, scythe.
22:30 <&KinGAleX> It says "Make sure you register to vote".
22:30 <&scythe> KinGAleX: I know, maybe you should include that address.
22:30 <&KinGAleX> Like, it doesn't make a difference to the democratic process itself if few people register.
22:30 <&KinGAleX> But it kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise.
22:30 < Zilla> Base: Is it a PCI card?
22:30 < Zilla> Your TV thing?
22:30 ::: KinGAleX changed the topic of #n to: #n Op Elections - Register to vote by emailing [email protected]:
22:31 <&scythe> ...as previously stated, my good man, it is not, as you say, the exercise, for it is not my exercise.
22:31 <&scythe> Maybe you should advertise better.
22:31 <&KinGAleX> I advertise consistently.
22:31 <&KinGAleX> People need to be more discerning.
22:31 <&scythe> Maybe the discerning should select the ops?
22:32 <&KinGAleX> :P
22:32 <&KinGAleX> Not the time nor the place, scythe.
22:32 <&scythe> Sorry, that wasn't fair.
22:32 ::: BFG10K [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: victim of headshot]
22:32 <&scythe> <3
22:32 < Zilla> KA, I'm not how many people actually care about a democratic election.
22:32 <&KinGAleX> Beside the point.
22:32 < Zilla> I mean, hell, we'll probably all just vote for the same old people.
22:32 <&KinGAleX> Well, I figured as many people as cry "elitism!".
22:32 <&KinGAleX> I'm giving them a chance to do something about it.
22:33 < Zilla> Ah.
22:33 <&scythe> Vyacheslav is one of every five lines in #n.
22:33 <&KinGAleX> Also, elections are fun.
22:33 <&gloomp> I might vote for TW.
22:33 <&scythe> Or something like that.
22:33 <&KinGAleX> You haven't registered, gloomp.
22:33 <&KinGAleX> How can you vote?
22:33 <&gloomp> I'll get around to it.
22:33 <&scythe> KinGAleX: oh
22:33 <&scythe> yo
22:33 <&scythe> the hipsters
22:33 <&KinGAleX> Who, SlappyMcGee and his Canadian friends?
22:33 <&scythe> there's your answer
22:33 <&scythe> you're waiting on all the hipsters
22:34 <&scythe> i'm in that groups
22:34 < Zilla> I'll totally vote for someone if they promise to give me, like, +v or something every once in a while, just so I can have the colored dot in XChat.
22:34 < Zilla> /corruption
22:34 <&scythe> i'm gonna register next time I log into email
22:34 <&KinGAleX> Cool.
22:34 <&KinGAleX> I suppose no-one's that interested, but 13 people are currently registered to vote.
22:34 <&KinGAleX> And there are 9 nominees.
22:34 ::: Zilla is now known as Zillaway
22:34 <&scythe> Put up a date.
22:35 <&scythe> Make it seem more impending.
22:35 <&scythe> I've told you, you need to advertise better.
22:35 <&scythe> I need more cigarette.
22:35 <&scythe> And maybe a hit of herb.
22:35 <&KinGAleX> Now I understand why voter turnout in the US is so poor.
22:35 <&KinGAleX> I like Australia's compulsory voting more now.
22:35 <&scythe> Do you understand why the Americans all had a problem with democracy?
22:35 <&scythe> And the Australians and Canadians were on board?
22:36 <&KinGAleX> Because you're mostly Germans?
22:36 <&scythe> Ahahahahhahaahahaha.
22:36 <&scythe> Fuck you, it's true.
22:36 <&KinGAleX> It's so true.
22:36 <&scythe> I was realizing how incredibly German I was not thirty minutes ago.
22:36 <&scythe> I've got this Irish friend who takes being Irish way too seriously.
22:36 ::: KinGAleX changed the topic of #n to: #n Op Elections - Register to vote by emailing [email protected] by the 27th of April or you won't be able to vote!: http://forum.droni.es/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8233
22:37 <&scythe> And I was imagining myself in some sort of old castle laughing about the tales I've heard about Irish people and how seriously they take themselves.
22:37 <&KinGAleX> Hahaha.
22:37 <&KinGAleX> And then you danced in some leather pants, drank beer, and ate sausages.
22:37 <&KinGAleX> So on and so forth, third reich.
22:38 < Zillaway> You should change that to "...by the 27th of April or you're not a patriot!"
22:38 >>> Zillaway is seriously away though.
22:38 <%Base> Zillaway what?
22:38 <&KinGAleX> I'm not going for ridiculous here, Zilla.
22:38 <&KinGAleX> This is fun but serious.
22:38 ::: RandomDigits [[email protected]] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
22:38 < Zillaway> It's the truth.
22:38 <&KinGAleX> It's fun /because/ it's serious.
22:38 <&scythe> See, I'm going to tell this story someday at a dinner table.
22:38 <&KinGAleX> I'm a sucker for playing by the rules of games.
22:38 <&scythe> There was once an online community.
22:38 >>> Zillaway no but seriously, Zilla awayyyyyy
22:38 <&scythe> And they were going to be a democracy, supposedly.
22:38 ::: RandomDigits [[email protected]] has joined #n
22:39 <&KinGAleX> That's my intention, too, scythe.
22:39 <&scythe> And the Americans all thought it was silly.
22:39 <&KinGAleX> Whatever the outcome.
22:39 <&scythe> And the Commonwealthers all thought it was a grand idea.
22:39 <&KinGAleX> It'll be awesome if your hypothesis is true.
22:39 <&scythe> And when it came time, the Commonwealthers were running around asking why nobody had registered to vote.
22:39 <&scythe> And then a round of raucous laughter.
22:40 <&KinGAleX> As Australia and Canada rule the world.
22:40 <&scythe> 'cuz we're just used to that shit.
22:40 <&KinGAleX> I dated an American girl once.
22:40 <&KinGAleX> She loved to espouse how much she loved to vote in things.
22:40 <&KinGAleX> I thought that weird, because we all love voting in things over here.
22:40 <&scythe> Like American Idol?
22:40 <&KinGAleX> No, in things that matter.
22:41 <&scythe> Oh, yeah, they're trying to make it cool to be a participant.
22:41 < RandomDigits> lol
22:41 <&scythe> They've got these little signs.
22:41 <&KinGAleX> It's not cool to be a participant.
22:41 <&scythe> "I registered to vote!"
22:41 <&KinGAleX> You /are/ a participant.
22:41 <&KinGAleX> It's not cool to not be a participant.
22:41 <&scythe> See how easy things are when they're compulsory now do you.
22:41 < Snuggletummy> My god Mars War is amazing.
22:41 <&KinGAleX> Not easy.
22:41 <&KinGAleX> Admirable.
22:41 < Snuggletummy> We just won. We had 33 people. They had 66
22:41 < Snuggletummy> We won
22:42 <&KinGAleX> It really is a waste of time compelling people /to/ vote, rather than asking them who they'd like to vote for.
22:42 <&KinGAleX> I finally understand it.
22:42 <&KinGAleX> People have made this argument to me before.
22:42 <&KinGAleX> But I always assume that people are /reasonable/, and /want to vote/.
22:42 <&KinGAleX> And the only reason they wouldn't is because they're uninformed.
22:42 <&KinGAleX> Not because they're lazy.
22:42 < canned> bhahahahaha
22:42 <&KinGAleX> Like half your fuckin' country.
22:42 >>> scythe applauds.
22:42 < canned> people? NOT LAZY?
22:43 <&KinGAleX> I'm lazy when it comes to certain things.
22:43 <&scythe> Americans and our lives.
22:43 <&scythe> It's why you watch us in movies.
22:43 <&scythe> Face it, you love us.
22:43 <&KinGAleX> But when it comes to the administraton of my countryâthat which keeps me doing what it is I want to do, rather than bending to authoritarian will of course I'm not fucking lazy.
22:43 <&KinGAleX> I do, I do.
22:44 <&KinGAleX> I love the libertarian ideals on which America was founded.
22:44 <&KinGAleX> I understand many Republican economic arguments.
22:44 <&KinGAleX> But I dig Democratic values and prefer Keynesian economic theory.
22:44 <&KinGAleX> I might come do some research work in the States when I finish my degree.
22:45 <&scythe> The problem is that if you swing to often between sides
22:45 <&scythe> people can catch on
22:45 <&KinGAleX> I don't swing.
22:45 < canned> meh, i am bored of politics bit anyway right now, as the parliment election here in finland just finished
22:45 <&KinGAleX> I'm just esoteric.
22:45 <&scythe> corruption happens when you change things, not when you leave them alone
22:45 <&scythe> that's what a lot of politicians don't understand
22:45 <&KinGAleX> I agree with varying values of both 'sides' of politics.
22:45 <&scythe> corruption goes away on its own
22:45 <&scythe> efforts to combat corruption can make it worse
22:45 <&KinGAleX> I don't think my political values fit on the four pointed political compass.
22:45 <&scythe> that's not to say it's all futile
22:45 <&scythe> but
22:45 <&KinGAleX> They're from another /dimension/.
22:46 <&KinGAleX> I like our concurrent arguments.
22:46 <&scythe> the more you're changing things willy-nilly
22:46 <&KinGAleX> They're both /awesome/.
22:46 <&scythe> the more corruption can switch in.
22:46 >>> KinGAleX high-fives scythe mid-rant.
22:46 >>> scythe hi-fives

This is like, oh, 10% of the log, but it's the part about voting.
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Postby Kablizzy » 2011.04.20 (17:21)

<&KinGAleX> You're basically giving meritocratic power to the current sops.
And nothing was any different from any other day.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby KinGAleX » 2011.04.20 (20:52)

I, optimistically, feel that it's worth a try anyway. If fail, return to shitting on proles.
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Postby mintnut » 2011.04.21 (13:08)

What voting systems are you using?



Not a citizen of #n apparently - mintnut.

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.04.21 (17:57)

Votes will be counted using the STV system.
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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2011.04.22 (14:31)

mintnut wrote:What voting systems are you using?



Not a citizen of #n apparently - mintnut.
Politics nerd sidebar: FPTP and AV (IRV) don't make sense as options since this is a multiple-winner election.
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Postby mintnut » 2011.04.22 (16:16)

Haha, sorry. I didn't really read the main post, just felt like going for the topical (UK) angle.

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Postby KinGAleX » 2011.04.26 (23:18)

Fixed election day times so that they make sense. Thanks remm for pointing that out.
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Postby Lenny » 2011.04.28 (13:30)

Sounds like a great idea, and I'm certainly all for it; I just don't think I've been around enough to warrant being able to nominate anyone.
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER

<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
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Postby KinGAleX » 2011.05.02 (11:42)

And that's that! Votes are in and tallied and the six elected operators for #n for the next quarter are as follows:


Thanks for getting involved everyone and we hope this was a useful and interesting exercise! See you again for the same thing in another three months. :D
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Postby scythe » 2011.05.02 (19:13)

Wow, I bet this is going to eclipse the killing of Osama in the headlines.
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Postby ninja143 » 2011.05.07 (23:43)

Congrats to all the new ops! :D

Postby tom1111 » 2011.06.24 (18:44)

What voting systems are you using?


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Postby Tanner » 2011.06.24 (19:50)

tom1111 wrote:What voting systems are you using?

This was over in April and, like it says in the original post, we used STV.
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Postby lukesv » 2011.06.25 (00:31)

Duchess of Awesome wrote:
tom1111 wrote:What voting systems are you using?

This was over in April and, like it says in the original post, we used STV.
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