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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.04.27 (00:29)

This Sunday, the games may not be as good as you all may want, and I'm sorry. Some of them will be from this forum, and one will not be from the forum. Most of these are browser based, and are just quick things to play, but I'll recommend better stuff throughout the week. (If I get around to it... I'm playing WoW now.) Which, the WoW thing.. I probably wont get addicted, I get bored of stuff so easily an- GAMES.

Gravity Hook
Yes, I'm going there.. It's Gravity Hook, also known as Gravity Crack. You play as a little guy and you shoot mines with a hook and try to make it to crazy heights. Now, the mines... they explode, so timing is important.


Gravity Crack Hook

Tyrian 2000
Remember back in the day when DOS was used all the time? I sure do. Now, this game is a classic, it's a top down scroller shooter, only this one allows you to upgrade your weapons (About 30.. each can level 12 times.). Anyway, the game has since then become freeware, and if you haven't played it, I suggest you try it, it's a GREAT way to kill some boredom. The game is pretty hard though, so you'll have to be good. Also, I've searched, and I can't find any good pictures, but look it up on Youtube or something. Anyway, the site with the download provides more information

Tyrian 2000

You'll also need Dosbox.


Snuggletummy wrote:Osu! is an Elite Beat Agents Clone, I've never actually played Elite Beat Agents, but if it is anything like this, I might just have to. Erm, here's a link to start off with, I'll provide pictures and shtuff later.

Here, have of one of the crazier songs in the game. It's a good song, just.. hard. The guy has sound playing though, so it kind of ruins it. IOSYS - Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita

You're all lucky I dislike double posting, Here, have a picture. Also, I really want someone to play this with me, the game is absolutely amazing, and if you like rhythm games then you should really give this a shot, I mean hell, it has Co-Op for up to 8 players.. that's crazy. Anyway, here's one of mu scores on a song I was playing. It says my accuracy is 70% or so.. but I think it's smoking something fierce.


Also, I'm using a custom skin, the game is skinnable out the wazoo, and you can create your own beatmaps, A.K.A. in game music, with it's included in game editor. Once installing the game, if you choose to, open the Osume.exe application within the folder that Osu! was installed into and go to the extras tab, to your surprise there will be a very large list of skins for you to bask in and use as much as you want.

Here's yet another picture, this is my end results of one of the 3 modes of play. There's Normal, Taiko, and Catch the Beat. I was playing Catch the Beat..


Oh, also, the game is Windows and iPhone only...for now.


Even though I shouldn't feel special, I don't care... Look at my rank.
Link Osu!

Ok, this is something different, it's not really a game as such. It's a music making flash thing. I realize that's probably the most retarded description ever, but that's the best I can come up with. Animator was showing it off in IRC, and I found i to be really cool. So yeah, try it out.



Anyway, sorry if this Sunday was a letdown. All this weekend and whatnot I've been trying to get my PC to function properly, and have narrowed it down to a few things. Other than that, erm, yeah, I'm done with post, I might add more some day.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.04.28 (23:23)

I challenge someone to make tetris theme in tone matrix.

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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.04.29 (02:18)

Nownow, let's not forget Asteriods and that 'Copter game.

Sorry, don't have the links except Copter that is in F&G of http://www.mdculpepper.org .

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.04.30 (22:39)


Plasma Pong
Remember Pong? With the white paddles, the ball, oh man, the memories. Well Plasma Pong is Pong... with Plasma. The game was originally being updated alot, but Atari Halted the creator from doing so due to copyright laws. Apparently having Pong is the name is horrible, which is find retarded. Anyway, enough with that, this is by far the most epic version of Pong ever, albeit it's pretty hard, and the further in the game you get, the music starts to speed up. I'll shutup now, my description and sentence structure lacks something, so I imagine that people reading this are losing interest. Images next, and also, This is Windows Only. There's also a MAC Version, but I don't know where it is, I think it's version 1.3 or something.


Plasma Pong
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.04.30 (22:44)

I've already played this, I can attest to the fact that it is amazing.

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Postby Animator » 2009.04.30 (22:53)


That game is -orgasmic-.

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Postby Leaff » 2009.04.30 (23:10)

Wow. Plasma Pong looks awesome. So far, I've only played that, PSO, and I'm starting ACE. These all look great. Looking forward to more. :D

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.01 (08:04)

Look, another game, and this one is a Bullet hell type game.. the joys of anger.



We've all played Bullet Hells/Shumps/Top Down Shooters/Games that are usually ungodly amounts of HARD. Anyway, this is one of those games. What makes it unique? Flashy explosions, neon graphics, and the ability to find satellites (Those things that orbit around you and fire stuff.. for an example, think R-Type) that when an enemy fires at one, absorbs the bullet, and allows it to shoot said bullets. Oh, and it's a Game Maker game.. those never get old.

I'm feeling Generous.. have a bonus game.

Ever wonder what would happen if Asteroids started to hang out with the wrong crowd and got into lots of Crack? Yeah, me either. But it looks like the guys at Binary Zoo did, and this is what they came up with. Echoes is basically Asteroids, with neon effects, and what's that? Achievements. Sure, they may not be the best things in the world... but at least it gives the game even more of a purpose.

Crackeroids Echoes

Hopefully I'm not updating this too much. I keep finding awesome games (Even though I've known about Echoes and a few others for quite a while) and I feel I have to share them... NOW.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby PsychoSnail » 2009.05.02 (17:17)

I remember playing Echoes before - I usually turned the graphics effects down, because otherwise they would make my eyes watery.

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.02 (21:13)

Another update, because I'm so cool. That, and if nobody posts before tomorrow, which I imagine will happen, I'll edit the new games into this post. I probably shouldn't be putting some games up now, but I'm impatient.

Ainevoltas 2

The Site wrote:It's 11 years since the defeat of Azazel, monsters have invaded the castle again. Justin is asked back to the castle and to find out who is behind the invasion this time! This little RPG has many, many hidden secrets! Can you unlock them all? (note: signs may lie!)
Also, as a note, the game DOES have tons of secrets, backtracking, it's fairly short, and most importantly, Don't beat it too quickly. If you do, you have to start over. Meaning, start from level 1. So before you beat it, strive to fully complete it. The game has some humor too.

Ainevoltas 2

Final Vision

The Site wrote:This is a small Platform RPG. You can choose between multiple classes and do other RPG things. Play as the King of a vast kingdom full of Rebels that want to slaughter you. Do you have the courage to obliterate your enemies?
This game is like Final Fantasy.. even the name. So some you may enjoy this more than others. The game is fairly short, and I'm not sure if it's incomplete or what, but it's really good, in my opinion. Also, this and the last game I posted use that small window method, so I hope you don't mind.

Final Vision

Satan Sam

The Site wrote:Sam has awoken into a strange land, his last memory being an attack on his village. Sam must adventure into a strange world overtaken by an army of strange creatures to discover the truth about his home land and himself.

Super Satan Sam is the same as The New Satan Sam but with a higher quality soundtrack and includes a guide.
Featuring 10 worlds, 127 levels, loads of enemies, weapons, 14 bosses, and all that for grand 2D adventure.
I just decided to add this game. It's freaking amazing, but quite hard. I HIGHLY recommend it.

New Satan Sam (32 MB)
Super Satan Sam (41 MB)

As a side note... none of these are for Macs or Linux, erm, sorry I guess ;_;.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby PsychoSnail » 2009.05.03 (00:39)

Downloading the new Satan Sam now. I've seen screenshots of the game before, but you've finally convinced me to go and try it.

Paper Moon was released yesterday, and even though it's very short, it's quite a bit of fun. My current high score is 1,358,550 1,434,100.
I found Eversion on playthisthing.com, and it's turned out to be surprisingly creepy, and very well-made.

Edit: What's the difference between Super Satan Sam and the New Satan Sam?
Edit 2: Never mind, I didn't read carefully.
Edit 3: Satan Sam's pretty fun, but it runs at absurdly low framerates on my computer.

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.04 (05:52)

I guess I'll update this. I'll try to get more quality games later. Well, most, if not all of these games, are quality. Anyway, me shush now. Also, because I forgot some of the games I was going to use, I'm playtesting games while typing this.. so yeah, think of these as if they're like fresh steak or something. Not like that makes sense.

Jimmy's Unlikely Resurrection

The Creator wrote:Jimmy's Unlikely Resurrection is a platformer, following the life of Jimmy as he attempts to escape from hell which happens to be a load of platform levels which he has to jump, swim and (not) get impaled across. Features the usual stuff for a game like N, but in my opinion the movement is far more refined and responsive and the turrets have far more gameplay potential. Well, that's for you to decide. Please give this game a chance. It even includes the first 3 songs I have ever made!

All of the sound effects were made by my mouth, apart from the liquid ones but you don't want to know how they were made.

BONUS FEATURES- Every level is timed and saved into progress.txt. HOWEVER, if you alt+f4 it'll mess it up. I have included escape buttons and a keyboard escape, so you shouldn't have to reach for that terrible shortcut any way. Every level has a bronze, silver and gold award and they are all possible. Some levels can be exploited but I kept it like that for those really desperate to smash the record times. Have fun!
Ok, this game is somewhat like N, which is cool. I told people in #n that it's like N's Rival, but they got all defensive. So please, don't get defensive, or I'll take action. Other than that, it's really good, it's just as annoying as N. and it has water physics and whatnot. Give it a shot.



The Site wrote:You have crash-landed on planet Notrium. Your food supplies are running low, a pack of predatory aliens have got your scent. There are no more bullets for your pistol, your only weapon a handful of rocks. The night is coming, and you are desperately looking for wood to make a fire. Notrium is a game of survival.

Survival, Exploration, and Action
Image An integral part of the game is finding enough food and supplies to survive through the cold, dark nights.

Image Exploring the alien ruins and bases you can find various items, which can be combined to make weapons and equipment.

Image Most of Notrium's inhabitants are not happy to see you. You can try getting past your enemies quietly, but often you will need either fast legs or a sharp aim.

Player Characters
Image The Human is weak, relying on weapons and items for survival.

Image The Android is very strong, but can only heal himself with repair units.

Image The Alien gains fearsome hunting skills through evolving

Image The Psionic has unique mental powers, but cannot carry anything.
Pretty good game really. may take a little bit to get started, and even then, you'll die alot.


Mysterious Flying Something

The Creator wrote:Space aliens are facing a crisis! They've developed technology far superior than our own, but they remain clueless on the art of Partying!

It's up to you to pilot the Mysterious Floating Something and abduct enough humans to research their natural party habits! Avoid or destroy the Earth's military forces as you transfer humans back to the mothership in exchange for funding and buy powerful new weapons and ship upgrades! Prepare for an intergalactic experience like you've never witnessed!
This is a really awesome game. Awesome music. Awesome everything. You abduct people, can upgrade your ship, and all in all, a very enjoyable game. Try it.


Run Or Be Mechanically Separated

The Creator wrote:Ordinary office worker Mr. Peetle and his trials at the work place. Business opportunities! Job security! Screaming-nashing-dismembering terror! Wait, I've said too much...
Erm, yeah, this one is a bit... erm... I can't say. You'll have to try this one yourself. Just remember this one thing... Blades are bad for your health.


So yeah, that's about all I have this time :/ sorry. I'll try harder next time.
And it's Next time...

Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2


yeah, you know what, this game is amazing, I'm not in the mood to get all my info again. The forum deleted everything in this post like an asshole. Just take my word, this game is incredible.




Dustin-Hot wrote:Teeworlds, is, in a way, a clone of Soldat. It has the same feel to it, with the 2D game play, and the easy to catch on feeling. But, what makes this the game of the week? It has adorable graphics, and is a great little time waster. It's also Blood free, so if you don't want to see blood, like in Soldat, then this is a great alternative. There are about 5 weapons, due to the fact that the game is still in it's beta stages. You have a hookshot as well, so you can latch to walls, and pull yourself up, while still destroying each other. While playing online, there's a few of your simple modes, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the flag. Also, there are some interesting custom levels, such as one that I played today, it was level 1-1 of Super Mario Brothers. In any case, it's a great game to play when you're seriously bored. Also, there's actually quite alot of people playing this. Last time I checked, there were about 160 servers with 200 people, so don't think it's barren like most freeware games.
I think that Dustin-Hot genius covered the game quite nicely.


Also, this is for Mac, Windows, AND Linux.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby Pikman » 2009.05.05 (00:24)

I've got a recommendation. Cho Ren Sha 68K.

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Postby PsychoSnail » 2009.05.05 (04:39)


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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.05 (05:42)


This is going to be short and sweet for now, and is a very good game, just don't die.

Doom: Fall of Mars


Ever wonder what would happen if Doom 2 and Diablo 2 were stuffed into the Horadric cube and combined? I never did, but hey, this game is the twisted offspring of the two. It's Doom 2 in Diablo 2 form. Everything is random, the game is fairly long, even in it's current stage, which is beta. My only gripe, which of course is retarded because the game IS a rougelike, is the fact that if you die you have to restart. So far, I've gotten to the Caves, level 3 I think. I had some badass stuff too... like a Magical Minigun.. Anyway, enough with that.


Edit: Nevermind, I'm a retard.. the game has a save feature. On that same note though, I just beat it... took me about 3 hours or nonstop demon slaughtering.

Anyway, as I said, this is a tiny update, but I JUST found it, played it for a good hour or two, and just had to show it to you all. I'll add more games to this post later, and the subject of said games? First Person Shooter. Multiplayer, that is.

P.S. As a side note, the game that Pikman recommended, you should try it if you like Shumps and whatnot. It's a quality game.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby AF » 2009.05.05 (13:46)

Snuggletummy wrote: Anyway, as I said, this is a tiny update, but I JUST found it, played it for a good hour or two, and just had to show it to you all. I'll add more games to this post later, and the subject of said games? First Person Shooter. Multiplayer, that is.

P.S. As a side note, the game that Pikman recommended, you should try it if you like Shumps and whatnot. It's a quality game.
Hmmmmm... What is one of the ONLY good, multiplayer, freeware FPS's out there? I wonder...

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.05 (16:42)

Dr. Chris Brown, PhD wrote:
Snuggletummy wrote: Anyway, as I said, this is a tiny update, but I JUST found it, played it for a good hour or two, and just had to show it to you all. I'll add more games to this post later, and the subject of said games? First Person Shooter. Multiplayer, that is.

P.S. As a side note, the game that Pikman recommended, you should try it if you like Shumps and whatnot. It's a quality game.
Hmmmmm... What is one of the ONLY good, multiplayer, freeware FPS's out there? I wonder...
Oh... ok. I'll add this one for now, for I have therapy to attend to... yes, the moderator of this section is a tad CRAZY.


The Site wrote:Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like an RTS. These structures provide many functions, the most important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some degree), healing functions and much more...

Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the "Armoury". The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained the more powerful the classes available.

The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team. This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.


. Flexible particle system - 99% of the in-game visual effects are configured using particle scripts.
. 16 buildable structures with in-game functions.
. Play as several alien classes with unique abilities.
. Customize your setup as a human and buy new weapons, armour and items.
. Scale the walls and ceilings as an alien waiting for an unsuspecting human.
. Realistic physics and motion - no bunny hopping or quick back peddling.
. Flexible map system - animated mapobjects, triggering, light flares, etc.
. Large weapons system - don't like the weapon you have? Sell it and buy a different one, dozens of options.
Take it from Dr. Chris Brown and I, this is one of the best freeware multiplayer games out there.

Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby Leaff » 2009.05.05 (20:05)

Awesome, lots of new games. I think I'm definitely going to try Teeworlds and Bootfighter Windom looks really cool.

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Postby PsychoSnail » 2009.05.05 (23:45)

I played Tremulous several months ago. It's a very good game, but I never really got into it.

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Postby kai » 2009.05.07 (06:21)

holy shit pops, very nice. downloading 4 or 5 of em now.

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.08 (23:05)



Remember tron? Well it's back, and better than ever. Why you may ask? Well my good sir or madam, the game has Multiplayer, up to 32 people I believe, not to mention that this has game modes, like deathmatch, CTF, Sumo (Don't worry, they don't ruin the classic feel of the game) Classic, and user created modes. The game is fairly customizable, from the light cycle, to the trails, to what the walls look like. In fact, you know how light cycles are usually colored in ways such as blue cycle, blue trail? Well my cycle is Black, and my trail is Magenta. Anyway, the game is pretty damned fun, and I should seriously get everyone to play it again. Also, the game works for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Useful site for custom stuff.

Or, if you want other custom things, check the links section of the Armagetron site. Hope you have fun.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby Geti » 2009.05.09 (08:53)

im just going to lean out here with a bit of:
Quite possibly the most frustratingly clunky physics based game ever, Cortex Command took out both the Award for Technical Excellence and the Audience Award at this years IGF. While the general populous are split between branding the game as impossible to play and hoisting it up on their nostalgic-gore spattered shoulders, Data Realms' love-child is fueled by a ragingly supportive community and a near masterpiece of a physics engine. The game is currently divided into a campaign mode and a skirmish mode, the former being a small collection of scripted missions with a beginning, middle, and end, and the latter being an endless kills-fest. there are currently 3.5 in game factions, each with their own aesthetic, pros and cons, and most importantly arsenal, and with almost 60 weapons, most of you should be fairly satisfied. please note that this is not a game for children, as almost every game involves someone exploding into tiny pieces of meat or metal. the game is played from a cross-sectional view of the terrain in the style of an RTS, and presented in pixel-tastic detail.
A screenshot and animation:
There is no online multiplayer, and there wont be unless a third party makes it. However, physical multiplayer, with controller pads or a decent keyboard (that can take a lot of keypresses) is present and very fun.
Cortex Command is available for Windows and Mac OSX
seriously though, sweet topic. great to see lots of games i like being enjoyed by everyone.

"I'd be happy for a lion if it hunted me down and ate me, but not so happy for it if it locked up me and my family, then forced us to breed so it may devour our offspring." - entwilight <3
How do you know that God didn't intend for humans to be the animals' caretakers? He might be appalled that He gave us these animals to use and we're fucking eating them. - Tsukatu
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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.05.09 (22:39)

Geti wrote:im just going to lean out here with a bit of:
Quite possibly the most frustratingly clunky physics based game ever, Cortex Command took out both the Award for Technical Excellence and the Audience Award at this years IGF. While the general populous are split between branding the game as impossible to play and hoisting it up on their nostalgic-gore spattered shoulders, Data Realms' love-child is fueled by a ragingly supportive community and a near masterpiece of a physics engine. The game is currently divided into a campaign mode and a skirmish mode, the former being a small collection of scripted missions with a beginning, middle, and end, and the latter being an endless kills-fest. there are currently 3.5 in game factions, each with their own aesthetic, pros and cons, and most importantly arsenal, and with almost 60 weapons, most of you should be fairly satisfied. please note that this is not a game for children, as almost every game involves someone exploding into tiny pieces of meat or metal. the game is played from a cross-sectional view of the terrain in the style of an RTS, and presented in pixel-tastic detail.
A screenshot and animation:
There is no online multiplayer, and there wont be unless a third party makes it. However, physical multiplayer, with controller pads or a decent keyboard (that can take a lot of keypresses) is present and very fun.
Cortex Command is available for Windows and Mac OSX
seriously though, sweet topic. great to see lots of games i like being enjoyed by everyone.
CC is not free.

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Postby Geti » 2009.05.10 (01:28)

yes it is. you just have to pay for a full version. the demo lasts forever, its just got limited play. i thought id mentioned that, but apparently not. <_<

"I'd be happy for a lion if it hunted me down and ate me, but not so happy for it if it locked up me and my family, then forced us to breed so it may devour our offspring." - entwilight <3
How do you know that God didn't intend for humans to be the animals' caretakers? He might be appalled that He gave us these animals to use and we're fucking eating them. - Tsukatu
4th - DDA Speedrunning Contest.
One Hundred Percent Vegetarian

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Postby Snuggletummy » 2009.05.10 (01:42)



Fraxy is a shump type game. The difference between this one and the others you've all played is that in this one, YOU create the bosses. Want a boss that looks like a battlecruiser? You can make it. Want a boss that looks like a shoe? You can make it. Want a boss that looks like a giant penis and fires lasers out of the tip? I.... you have problems, but you can make it. It's hard to explain this game. Which isn't a good thing, but, try it. And I guarentee you'll love it. Hell, I'll put some of my ships up someday.

Fraxy. Note, the site is indeed in Japanese, but, the topmost link is the latest version of the game, and it's updated pretty frequently, so check often, and yes, the game can be played in English.



infiniminer is almost like Cube in the fact that you can build and destroy the land in real time. The point of the game is to make a fort of some sort (It rhymes..), then mine gold and diamond and try to get a set amount of money. The game has 4 classes, the Miner, which.. mines, the prospector who prospects for diamonds and whatnot, the Engineer who can build everything, and..erm.. there's a fourth guy who I forgot. Either way, he gets explosives. The game is really really fun, and that screenshot it something I made. This game should honestly work on any PC, because hell, look at the graphics, they look like they came from Doom. Anyway, now the fun part, the game can only be played online. So I have my other PC set up to always have a server hosted. The money each team has to get to is about $1,000,000. Now, that is almost impossible, but I have the server up for people to build and all have fun. If you choose to join the server, then you'll first need to find and edit the Client Configuration file, which is located in the start menu or whatever you installed it in. I'll put my IP near the end of this little section so it isn't hard to point out. Also, if the server needs to be reset or something, tell me. Also, you may need the Microsoft .NET Framework and the XNA thing, those are on the game's download site.

Download LF: The server is on version 1.4

My IP:

Hope to see you in game.. or at least enjoy it.
--Also, as a side note, you don't need Hamachi.

All Our Friends Are Dead


I'm going to be honest, I honestly don't know too much about this game. I played it for a few minutes, and it seemed like an awesome/creepy game. Yahoozy showed it to me, and 100.01% of the games that he shows me are amazing, so this is a Yahoozy game. The game was originally uploaded to Rapidshare, but I reuploaded it to Mediafire, I hope you all don't mind.

I'm linking to this just in case it updates and I don't notice.

Ugh, hopefully you all enjoy this one.. I sure as hell did.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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