The gist is, the primary political focus of many people -- not politicians, but civilians --today is to find a political ideology or movement that they can identify with and feel they are a part of without being subject to ridicule, and so we've seen the South Park Republicans show up after South Park relentlessly attacked many liberal ideas in its early seasons, and now we have the movement here called "Daily Show Democrats" whose major motivation seems to be making fun of Republicans.
It's fitting that the rally was spawned from the bowels of reddit, that concentrated extract of internet hipsterdom.
Choice quotes:
Sure there are a lot of problems out there, a lot of pressing needs—but the main thing is, the Liberals don’t look nearly as stupid as the other guys do.
In other words, “you” started to become effective. Not in the way a petulant Gen-Xer wanted it to be though, because one had to look lame to be effective. One had to be like CodePink–and CodePink isn’t cool. Gen-X/Y didn’t sign up for lame, they signed up for Obama, the sentimental favorite!
You see, this is why so many cool Gen-Xers and Gen-Yers were so jazzed up about going to the Stewart rally–by definition, they were guaranteed not to look stupid by going to it, because it’s not really a rally. They’re not putting anything on the line. They’re just going to chant the equivalent of that annoying Saturday Night Live Update skit “Really?” No generation ever looked so cool so late in their lives as my generation.