Luminaflare wrote:Your argument is flawed, animals are unpredictable, especially the human species.
I disagree with you in terms of both practice and physics. But practice is irrelevant here, so I'll just talk about physics.
The choices we make are based on our experience, and our experienced is stored in our brains. Our brains happen to have this property that they're made of matter, and so they are constrained by natural laws just like everything else. All that is
you is nothing more than an extremely specific arrangement of a chemical soup.
Our experiences are stored in our brains as neural pathways, which are formed, strengthened, or weakened and broken based on how much they're reinforced. They in turn contribute to your perception of new experiences and your response to them. If you had had different past experiences, it is likely that you would have a different response to a new experience. All the same, all of this information is stored as synaptic connections in your brain.
If Tunco's machine knows the state of everything, then it knows the state of your brain when you have a given new experience. If everything about the circumstances is known, then you could theoretically measure the exact amount of every wavelength of light that hits your retina, exactly the signal that sends to your striate cortex, every single branch that signal crosses on its round trip to the temporal and prefrontal cortices, every nanoVolt by which that signal differs based on your feelings and current state of being, and every step of your prefrontal's crunching out of a decision, down to the momentum and torque of every neurotransmitter that is ever released or absorbed because of your perception. If you follow the steps made by that deterministic machine, then you will discover
exactly how you will react to a stimulus. If the state of your brain is fully known, then you are no less predictable than a falling stone.
And how selfish of you to think that you are.
The obvious exception is if you believe that something outside of the natural universe has an influence on the choices you make. But if you're in the habit of holding as true what cannot be remotely tested or demonstrated, then you have no business in a conversation amongst reasonable people.
While I did surprise myself with how much I agreed with Tunco's deterministic view of the universe, I disagree with his and your definition of luck. If such a thing as Tunco's machine exists (which I'll it maintain can, but only theoretically), then there is no such thing as a "low probability" or even a "high probability" -- there is only the probability of 1 that a known event will happen and the probability of 0 that anything else will happen. Luck cannot be based on "unlikely events" because in a deterministic universe, there is no such thing as likelihood, but only what will happen and what won't.
For that reason, I say that luck exists only in human perception. It exists only in the same limited minds that don't possess the capabilities of Tunco's machine. If you are staring at an extremely complicated piece of machinery with millions of knobs and buttons, there is no practical way for you to find a pattern in the way it works, and so it's just easier to say that the machine produces random output. This is pretty much how people unconsciously view their own minds. Our brains are so horribly complicated that even gaining a general understanding of them has proven to be a tremendous undertaking, and because we will never in practice know the exact electrochemical state of our brains just prior to making a choice, we will always perceive ourselves as making choices with no connection to underlying hardware, to how our personality and thought processes are implemented by our neurons, which means that we will always think of our choices as spontaneous. Hence, the illusion of Free Will. And this extends to our perception of the universe: since our understanding of the state of the universe is extremely imprecise, we can naturally go with the notion that events in life are effectively random, or happenstance. Those events that don't happen to us frequently, we call luck.
The distinction I'm trying to make is that luck is something entirely in our perception, and that does not exist as some natural force, or even as some objective probabilistic description of the universe.