squibbles wrote:That, and it's called the Theory of Relativity. The Theory of relativity. That's all it is, and as common as it is, and as many people believe it to be true, it has no more weight than any theory proposed by any other scientist, regardless of how many stupid people consider it undisputable, ultimate fact.
Theories are not hypotheses. Theories are not wild fucking guesses. Theories are extremely well-thought out and super-refined explanations based on overwhelming quantities of evidence. Observations become hypotheses become proposals become laws become tested thoroughly and repeatedly for decades by the brightest minds internationally before they come anywhere
close to the glorious title of "theory". The theories we hold on to today are easily falsifiable but have never, ever, not a single fucking once, made a prediction which was invalidated. Theories are manifestations of truth. They are so ludicrously close to truth in terms of evidence and predictive and explanatory power that they may as well, for all practical purposes,
be fact. What Nobel Prize winners are to illiterate rednecks, so are theories compared to any idea ever spawned in your thick, ignorant fucking skull.
Let's list some theories:
- Atomic Theory
- Kinetic-Molecular Theory
- Cell Theory
- Germ Theory of Disease
- Theory of Gravitation
- Plate Tectonics Theory
- Electromagnetic Theory
To emphasize that something is a theory is to give it considerable credit, and to make fools out of any who think for a moment that they could know better. Hundreds -- nay, thousands, tens of thousands -- of the brightest minds humanity has ever known have studied these theories and have never been able to find a single flaw in them, for decades in some cases, or centuries in others. To say that it's no better than any other theory serves just as well as to say that lions are but lions, or that gods are but gods.
The fact that you, with nowhere near the qualifications to comprehend a meaningful portion of the Theory of Relativity, feel justified in laying any criticism of it, that you could say something so utterly ignorant without hiding your face and weeping in shame immediately thereafter, is all the evidence any thinking person needs to immediately disqualify your argument, or even
you, yourself, from serious consideration.
I want to be very clear that there is considerable difficulty in putting this to you too harshly. This is very difficult to exaggerate. I want you to understand the full gravity of what you have just done.
This is not a minor mistake -- this is not a simple slip-up -- this is a major, world-class, catastrophic fucking disaster for your intellectual reputation. Having said this, you now have a long way to climb until you are to be considered sensible, much less competent. And if you have any shred of humility or sanity, now is the time to step away and reconsider how your rational sense could have failed to such an apocalyptic degree.
Now is when you get to
shut the fuck up and let the grown-ups talk, which relative to you is presently just about anyone in this thread, including Drathmoore. Spambots are currently your intellectual superiors.
Now go away. You depress me.