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Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (04:40)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
You are quite probably familiar with the ol' Political Compass which has already been discussed on this forum a few times. It's imperfect, perhaps, but a pretty good indicator of political orientation. I noticed you can also create a chart showing a number of different peoples' positions all on the same map, so if you would care to do the test and post your results here, I'll put you on the Metanet crowd chart:


(or you can just add yourself to the chart but if you do make sure you do it properly)

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:12)
by t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư


Also, your second link seems borked; I'm getting an image with "Ortz" spelled "Prtz".

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:26)
by aids
Once you figure out your standing, add your name to this graph. I wish it was easier to share these. Oh well.


Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:30)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
Aidiera wrote:Once you figure out your standing, add your name to this graph. I wish it was easier to share these. Oh well.
Or that. But if you're going to add yourself, make sure you don't get out of sync.

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:30)
by SlappyMcGee

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:39)
by Vyacheslav

Favorite question: "Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all."

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:47)
by Radium

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (05:51)
by squibbles

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (06:30)
by Radium
isn't it something how we are relatively clumped?

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (08:15)
by capt_weasle
Updated chart

My standing, which is much farther in to the left than the last time I took this test:

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (17:52)
by blackson

Demonz, we need to mate and save the species.

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (18:15)
by Tanner


Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (20:59)
by t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư
DemonzLunchBreak wrote:Sorry Blackson, looks like Tanner and I have to mate (which presents some technical difficulties, but we'll figure that part out later).

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (21:09)
by Slayr
You can't even see my name!
Crowd Chart

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (21:51)
by aids

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (22:43)
by Skyling
Well, at least none of us are in the upper two quadrants (glares at Aidiera).

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (23:24)
by t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư
As of this posting, the average is (-2.59, -4.07), or just above the 'a' in "Capt Weasle".

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.11 (23:34)
by aids
Skyling wrote:Well, at least none of us are in the upper two quadrants (glares at Aidiera).
Hey, I'm surprised I was on the Libertarian side at all. O.o

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (00:59)
by Skyling
yo here we at in the social libertarian economic moderate

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (02:01)
by heatwave
Put me down for (-7.25,-6.92).

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (02:04)
by Scrivener

this is probably accurate. definitely in that quadrant, and I'm not involved enough in politics or even political thinking to develop extreme views.

edit: right next to blackson.

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (06:41)
by Kablizzy
Since last I took the test, I've moved massive amounts left and shifted towards libertarianism. I'm so ashamed right now.

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (06:54)
by sidke

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (07:34)
by rocket_thumped
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74


Somewhat where I expected myself to end up.

Re: Political Compass chart

Posted: 2011.01.12 (08:53)
by aids

Code: Select all,-0.05&Flag=-2.75,-2.10&Ortsz=-2.25,-6.21&Torex=-4.12,-2.26&Gloomp=-6.62,-7.79&Suki=-3.62,-3.79&Slappy=-9.25,-8.88&Oeuvre=-3.38,-3.18&Squibbles=-7.50,-2.67&Radium=-2.75,-3.38&Capt+Weasle=-3.25,-4.67&Demonzlunchbreak=4.75,-5.69&Slayr=-2.38,-3.38&Tanner=3.88,-5.59&Blackson=1.75,-1.38&Skyling=-1.12,-7.13&Heatwave=-7.25,-6.92&Script=1.12,-0.82&newname=sidke&newec=-7.62&newsoc=5.36&newname=jerrod&newec=3.12&newsoc=-5.74
When you find out your coordinates, just add them to the end of that code with the appropriate format:

