Subvein is a top down shooter that allows players to level up and invest in skills. Now, because I can't think of anything to say about this, other than the fact that it's damned fun, I'm just going to quote the site and their forum. It's like my thought process doesn't work when I'm not posting something in my Awesome Games topic.. odd.
The ultimate online mutation shooter!
* Dominate with over 20 weapons!
* Mutate and develop powerful skills!
* Unlock missions and special abilities!
* Drive over 20 crazy vehicles!
* Explore countless user-generated maps!
Sure, that wasn't much of a game description, but I shall back that up with the 3 skill trees.
Now, I know what you're thinking, can I mix and match the skills? The answer to that is a giant fuck yes. If you want, you can mix Physical and Rouge, meaning you can be extremely defensive, and also have the ability to become invisible, move at breakneck speeds, that sort of thing. But I bet you worry that that sounds boring, well here's the catch. Sure, you can mix and match the skill trees, but if you want to fully become the most powerful player, you must focus on one skill tree. Every 10 points you put into a tree, every skill that you have in said tree will gain a synergy bonus, thus increasing your power. Now I'll put up a screenshot or two, and link to the download, because I'm sure you're itching to play this wondrous game.From the creator wrote: Physical
The Physical skill tree is meant to be the fighter type.. the tank.. the meat shield. He goes running head first into combat.. taking damage from thousands of foes and keeps on pushing. He relies heavily on healing and defensive skills. This keeps him alive for longer and makes him tougher to take down. He's the sorta guy who in a clan match you want leading the charge.. attracting the opponents fire as the rogues and wizards pick them off one by one. He's also very group oriented.. he doesn't care if he's up against 3 guys or 10 guys.. it's all the same to him. As long as he's in the fight exchanging blows, he's happy. He's tough, he's a leader, and a team player. I believe that it makes sense for his ideal weapon type to be the machine gun. Just like the 'heavy' class in TF2.. a machine gun fits the tank type perfectly. Big damage for a big guy, taking on an entire army on his own.
The Mental type is the rogue. As a ninja he is sneaky.. an assassin. Against a group he's not so tough.. but 1v1 he'll kill you and you won't be able to do a thing about it. He relies heavily on deception and agility. He doesn't have the healing or defensive skills of the fighter type.. but that doesn't matter if you can't hit him. If he's in trouble, he escapes unharmed. He has patience, relies on his mind and his cunning to dispose of his prey. He boasts the most dangerous and damaging skills.. as long as they're against 1 person. He's the lone wolf.. he can take care of himself, and take care of his opponents, too. Ultimately he's a close range kinda guy.. closer than the fighter types. He likes to get personal.. so he can stab you in the back. His ideal weapon is the shotgun for the same reason. Up close, 1 shot, 1 kill. Efficient and deadly.
The Cybernetic type is the all powerful wizard. As a mutant he utilizes the cybernetic implants installed into his body to great effect. He stands at the back of the pack, casting fireballs and bolts of electricity upon his enemies. He's old, and he's frail.. but boy can he dish out the goods. Whereas the rogue types rely on a great deal of self control to achieve victory.. the wizard is a bit more cocky and chooses to simply control his enemies instead. For survival he relies heavily on keeping his foes at a distance. He'd be easy to kill, if only you could actually reach him. His skills are expensive and costly, but they are real game changers. If he casts the right skill at the right time, he will lead his team to victory. As an attacker he boasts the most powerful area of effect skills, capable of extreme damage and powerful manipulation. He's the least dependant on weapons, and uses his large arsenal of skills to do his bidding instead. In a clan war he's the guy at the back who the fighters try to protect.. because without him, you're screwed. His ideal weapon is the sniper rifle. He keeps his distance, and influences the battle from afar. Shooting his foes down like flies.
Oh, and one quick thing. The game allows up to 128 players in a game, has a built in map editor, and best of all, there are 3 teams. 2 of which are just the standard teams that every game has, but oh, what's this? The last team lets you kill everyone. You become a mercenary, and your job is simple, kill everyone else. Basically, they are loners, they fight..alone, and constantly play the game as if it were deathmatch.
Alas, there's a slight downside to this game... yes, I'm afraid it's true. First and foremost the game, at the moment, only works with Windows, but they're going to fix that (Although some people have gotten it to work with WINE.) Secondly, the game is pretty deserted, but that's only because it's new. Hell, the creator insists that people advertise the game on other sites. Other than that, this game has some GREAT potential, just.. trust me on this, I only say this when I find a truly badass game.
Oh, shit, I forgot to add. I may or may not have a server up from time to time. It'll usually contain the word "Metanet" in it, so it wont be hard to find. If the server doesn't work, however, then connect to Also, my upload speed isn't the greatest, but according to LF (Who also plays these games with me) there isn't much lag, and his ping was about 200. So yeah, just saying, if it does lag, then I'm sorry.