(EdoI hasn't placed his bomb yet, even though he said that he would "respond to his PMs". As a result, I've placed his bomb randomly without telling him, and I'll pick his squares from his old list of Round 2 squares. *evil laughter*)
Code: Select all
< Player > < Money > <AVx> < This Round > < Rank >
<29403 > <£ -29,998> < 1> <£ 0> < 3rd->6th>
<UnknownKirbyMan> <£ -5,000> < 1> <£ 0> < 2nd->5th>
<EdoI > <£ 10,382,668> < 1> <£ 0> < 0th>
<bufar > <£ -34,190> < 1> <£ 0> < 2nd->7th>