See what I mean...
fawk picked 1.

Heh, out first square. What was behind the bomb? It was a new square called Ctrl+Alt+Left. No prizes for guessing what that does.

Code: Select all
< Player > < Money > <AVx> < This Round > < Rank >
<fawk > <£ -80,596.40> < 1> <£ -50,000> < 10th> BOOM
<Hoohah2x2sday > <£ 2,776,941.99> < 1> <£ 0> < 1st->3rd>
<jinxed_07 > <£ 237,269 > < 1> <£ 0> < 7th->8th> HARDLY ACTIVE AT ALL
<29403 > <£ -982,268.80> < 0> <£ 0> < 3rd->12th> YEP, IT'S THOSE POINTLESS SQUARES AGAIN!
Woe betide those who didn't vote for me in The President's Lounge. ONE ****ING VOTE, DAMMIT!!!
This round is completely pointless. And you know it.