Race to a Billion

Play messageboard games, do silly question-and-answer things, and just waste some time with your fellow forum-goers. Post count does not accumulate. No pie allowed.
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.27 (14:50)


Race To A Billion V1.2a
The Big Rules
Right, here, in the Race to a Billion "studio" that is actually a random thread in the middle of nowhere, to win, you must avoid opponents' bombs and be the first to get £1,000,000,000!

This game consists of rounds, and there will be 4 players in each round. The square amounts will be under a 6*4 grid.

At the start of each round, the four players playing in that round will PM me a bomb placement. If I don't receive the bomb placement in 48 hours then I get to pick the square for their bomb without telling them. Each player takes it in turns to pick a square, getting cash, bonuses, minigames or bombs. If the board is clear, or if there is only one player left, they have won the round and are guaranteed in the next. Newbies are guaranteed in the next round after they join.


When it comes to your turn I will give you 72 hours (generous, am I not?) to pick your square which you will post here. If you time yourself out then you will automatically be exterminated from the round without warning. You will also lose the relevant cash amount as if being bombed.

If your AVx is less than 1, then it will get reset to 1 just as you time yourself out. This means that if you have one of those horrible negative multipliers you can't escape your inevitable fate by procrastination.


These don't exist. OK, they might do when 29403 is hosting this with his really weird set of rules, but as far as I'm concerned, they are irrelevant.

Other Stuff

Note: With regard to playing minigames, please don't post your squares one by one, as this slows everything down way too much. Post them in groups of three or four or as I state.

This game has been tweaked from v1.0 to make it move at a faster pace. Obviously, the point is that somebody should get to a billion. I will try to get through 30-40 rounds in a year.

Version 1.0 can be found here. Hosted by 29403.

If I decide to play then host privileges will be given to 29403 Pikman, under my watchful eye.

29403 didn't finish his job of uploading all the squares to the database. As a result, starting from v1.2 there will be subliminal messaging involved to force him to do his job, however inactive he may be.


Cash Squares
These range from Image down to the realms of Image. They are quite straightforward. What you get is multiplied by your AVx and added to your score, just like in v1.0.

Bonus Squares
All Values Multipliers - These work slightly differently to those in v1.0. What the square does is to show the effect on the multiplier itself, not the values. So if you get a Image then your new AV multiplier is 1+7=8. If you then pick a Image then it becomes 8/2=4. If you then pick a Image (yes, that's supposed to be a joke square) then it becomes 4*-1=MINUS 4 and you really don't want that to happen. If you then pick a Image (another joke square) then you'll be playing a completely imaginary game with imaginary cash and imaginary bombs and you REALLY don't want that to happen.

End Of Round Percentages - These go from Image to Image. These are added to your total score at the end of a round if you win.

Win Value Multipliers - At the end of a round, if you win, you usually get £50,000 plus £5,000 for every unrevealed remaining square. These squares such as Image multiply your win value if you win the round. If you get two or more of these, they multiply each other. So if you get a Win Value *10 followed by a *0, you don't get anything!

Random Squares - A random number between 0 and 1 is multiplied by the number on the random square and added to your score. These go from Image to Image.

More Squares
Image - This is the square that you must try to avoid. At the start of each round, players PM me with the square they want to put a bomb in. If you hit a bomb, you are eliminated from the round. You lose £50,000 if you're the first to be bombed out; £40,000 if you're the second; and £30,000 if you're the third. When you get bombed I will reveal what was behind that square when I designed the board for that round. It won't, however, have any impact on the round, no matter what the square is. It is possible for multiple bombs to be placed in the same square. If you hit one of these, then you lose the relevant cash amount multiplied by the number of bombs in that square.

Image - The BLAMMO is placed by the person last bombed out of the previous round (timeouts don't count). Once hit, there are four buttons to choose from. These are:
1. Block the Blammo
2. Eliminate someone else (at random) in the round
3. Eliminate yourself
4. Being put in a threshold situation (your time limit is reduced to 24 hours and you lose £75,000).

If a BLAMMO is in the same square as a bomb then the bomb takes over and the blammo has no effect. Except in the immunity case.

Image - This square "yoinks" you out of the round and "yoinks" someone else in! Just like my *0th on numa map 134005...

Image - This puts two extra bombs on the board anywhere I want. Anyone can suffer an untimely fate by finding these...

Image - This puts two extra bombs on the board anywhere I want. However, only you can hit them. If someone else hits them, then the square that is placed behind it will have effect.

Image - Every cash amount picked is multiplied by 2!

DOUBLE SQUEAL! - Every cash amount picked is divided by 2!

Image - *guess*

Image - Ha ha. This is another one of my joke squares! Those who use Windows Vista will know EXACTLY what it does! NO MORE CLUES! HA HA HA HA HA!

Image - Just like in v1.0, a random search is conducted on NUMA and the map number is added to your score.

Image - This is new. A random episode/level is picked from NReality's 200 episodes. The (legit) 0th is taken and the decimal point removed, and the value added to your score. If I have 0th on that level/episode, you will also get Immunity for the rest of the round (or until it gets taken)!

Image - This resets your AVx to 1.

Image - (As of Round 4) If you pick this square, then a person still active in the round (including yourself)will be picked, at random, to be immune to all bombs in the round. But not blammos.

Image - You miss your next go. If the others are bombed out before your turn, then you still win the round, and you will be allowed to play minigames.

Image - Self-explanatory.

Image - If there are only two players left in a round, this could be an advantage, as the other player will have to keep picking squares until he bombs himself out. However, if you win, you won't be allowed to play any minigames. For obvious reasons there won't be two of these squares in the same round.

Image - If you win, your winnings for the current round are taxed by 15%. *evil laughter*

Image - In the light of the recent MP's expenses scandal, this square adds £50,000 to your score immediately, and a further £50,000 to your score for every one of your goes until you get bombed.

Image - For every square that has been revealed, you are told how many of the eight surrounding squares have bombs in them, just like in the Windows game of *guess*.

Image - You get to keep this until you use it. If there is a square already revealed on the board that you really want, then you can use it on that square when it comes to your turn, and it will apply to you. If you get bombed then you will lose the Copy + Paste square.

Image - All the other players in the round donate 2% of their money to you, regardless of whether they have been bombed out or not.

1-WEEK TIMEOUT - If I won't be here for some time then this square stops all play for a week. Fortunately for you, the time period isn't affected by multipliers. If only I had the power to lock and unlock this thread...

Note: you don't have to play a minigame if you don't want to. This can be useful in certain situations, like having those notorious sub-zero multipliers...

Image - As in v1.0 except that the top prize is slightly raised to £2,048,000 for easier halving. (Note to 29403: Learn how to spell "the" properly.)

Image - ... or not. As in v1.0.

MYSTERY CHANCE - As in v1.0. (Note: this is very rare.)

Image - As in v1.0.

Image - As in v1.0.

STRIKE IT RICH - As in v1.0.

Image - As in v1.0 but with a slightly different board and a bomb only has the effect of dividing your score by 10.

Image - Well, if you're starting to complain that you don't do calculus, now's your incentive to learn. This minigame pays a lot. It consists of *guess*.

Image - This was originally in v1.0. As of later versions it will only be present when 29403 is hosting because I don't make maps.

Image - You create a map and a demo and send it to me. Then I have a week to highscore it and the amount of money you get is based on your score, my score and demo length.

Image - Especially after having to do loads of them in the past few weeks. I'm going to take revenge on these exams by throwing some exam questions over to you *evil laughter* but you get paid for doing them, unlike me...

Image - An ordinary game of UK-based Deal Or No Deal with all the rubbish taken out. That is, all those dumb box swaps, banker's gambles, "blue blue blue", advert breaks, dream offers, folds of skin, Easter eggs, sweeps, audience, confetti, needless chit chat, uneasy pauses, proveout rounds, peanuts, themed week specials, turkeys with holes in the side, "box-opening classes", "1p kisses", groans, pants, and the first three offers have been removed. This is to speed up gameplay.

Hidden Squares
Coming out later...

Winning a round
You win a round if either the other players have been bombed out or the board is clear. You get a win bonus as mentioned above.

If you win a round, you'll automatically be guaranteed in the next round. If you don't win a round, you definitely WON'T be in the next round. The remaining places for the rounds are chosen at random, so don't bother saying stuff like "PICK ME FOR THE NEXT ROUND" or the like. You'll be ignored.

The money that you win in this thread will NOT be paid to you in real life. Don't get your hopes up.

Changes in v1.2:
- 29403's graphics will now be used and posted as images, not attachments.
- The "Timeouts/Warns" section in the first post has been made clearer. No more doubt there.
- Removed ignore list from Random NReality. It was pointless.
- Timeouts will be made a lot more strict to get the thing going faster. So no excuses there.
- Places will *still* be chosen at random. Not that they ever weren't, but this makes my point clearer.
- Zap.
- There will be a lot more ZAP involved. See above for more information.

Changes in v1.2a:
- Pikman has been promoted to reserve host after 29403 basically gave up his position. See his post for further changes.

Questions you might want to ask...

Why are there missing images in this post?

Because 29403 was too lazy to upload them to the database/square bank like he said he would. *Suspicious glare*

Why are there called "squares" if they're three times as long as they are high?

Shut up.

Will I be able to transfer cash/multipliers/minigames from v1.0?

Cash: Yes. This is automatically done. Everything else: No.

Where else can I find an active, guest-viewable thread of RTaB on the Internet?

I've scoured the whole Internet. NOWHERE. If you find one, please tell me where it is, and I'll be really grateful.

[Edit: Oh, actually, here.]

Where are prefix/suffix/higher-or-lower/oneplus/£29,403/take-the-lead?

Some have been permanently removed; others may make a reappearance in future rounds.

1. 999_Springs
2. UnknownKirbyMan (Inactive)
3. EdoI (Semi-active)
4. 29403
5. bufar
6. Mae (Inactive)
7. Hoohah2x2sday (Semi-active)
A. Turiski (Retired)
8. isaacx (Inactive)
9. Rule (Inactive)
10. Pikman
11. jinxed_07 (Inactive)
12. fawk a.k.a. guy_zap
13. ChrisE (Withdrew)
14. enespanol4268 (Semi-active)
15. bhz
16. Daikenkai
17. ENT474

Final Standings
*0th: EdoI: £11,187,092.64
1st: Pikman: £7,227,845.05
1st->2nd: bufar: £6,205,643.8098
1st->3rd: UnknownKirbyMan: £3,780,338
1st->4th: Mae: £2,950,000
1st->5th: Hoohah2x2sday: £2,736,941.99
1st->6th: 999_Springs: £1,902,891.39
3rd->7th: isaacx: £1,252,278
8th: Daikenkai: £935,000.20
8th->9th: bhz: £829,725.30
9th->10th: fawk: £234,406.60
7th->11th: jinxed_07: £207,269
9th->12th: ChrisE: £35,000
9th->13th: enespanol4268: £28,500
9th->14th: ENT474: £ MINUS 207,000
7th->15th: Rule: £ MINUS 707,900.01
3rd->16th: 29403: £ MINUS 892,319.2398 *HA*

Thanks to 29403 for bringing the concept of RTaB over to these forums in the first place! (Originally taken from the Deal Or No Deal forums. Which totally suck.)
The Old Rules
Right, here, in the Race to a Billion studio, to win you must avoid opponents bombs and be the first to get £1,000,000,000!

This game consists of round, and there will be 6 players in each round, or more if the OnePlus square is revealed.

The square amounts will be under a 6*6 grid. Now, let us see the cash amounts, with bad 29403 graphics!

At the start of each round, the four players playing in that round will PM me a bomb placement. If I don't recieve a bomb from them for 24 hours I will PM them, if I don't recieve the bomb placement in 48 hours they won't be playing in that round. Each player takes it in turns to pick a square, getting cash, bonuses, minigames and bombs. If the board is clear, or if there is only one player left, they have won the round and are guaranteed in the next. Newbies are guaranteed in the next round after they join.

Cash Amounts

The Small 'Uns

Middle Sums

Mega Money

Bonus Squares

All Value Multipliers - All Values x2 through 8 will multiply any cash value you pick or in any minigame you play. It is also possible to pick a dividing All Values square so watch out! They are cumulative, and the limit is an AV multiplier of 50. Don't worry, All Values x1/4 are very rare! If you get a AV divider when your multiplier, before, is more than one, the divider will divide the current multiplier.


End Of Round Percentages - At the end of the round, if you win and have one of these percentages, you get that percentage at the end of the round added to your score. This comes after minigames as well! Be wary, a -10% might give you a reason not to win the round...


Win Values - Normally, when you win a round, you get $50,000, or split up if more than one person wins a round. But if you select one of these, you will recieve this at the end of the round, and unsplit!


Random Squares - A random number between 0 and 1 will be multiplied by the amount of money in the square selelected, and added to your money count!


Minus Money - These lil buggers will take money of your grand total!


More Squares

Image - Will put 2 more bombs randomly on the board but only you can hit them! If someone else hits them, they earn $20,000.

Image - Will add one more bomb randomly on the board. Anyone can hit them.

Image - When DOUBLE DEAL is activated, every value someone picks is multiplied by 2. Having AV multipliers can make this even bigger!

Image - This does the exact opposite of DOUBLE DEAL, but at least hitting a bomb will cost less.

Image - I think this speaks for itself!

Image - This takes you out of the round and puts someone else in!

ImageImage - Will add a random number, 1-9, at the start or end of your score if you win the round.

Image - This square will double your AV multiplier!

Image - And this square will halve it.

Image - And this square will remove it.

Image - When picked, you must give this to someone playing in the round. They will be immune to bombs for the rest of the round.

Image - A random search on NUMA will be picked. The number of the first map will be added to your cash.

Image - One more row and an extra person plays in the next round. The maximum is 8 players and 48 squares!

Image - This very rare square will put you £1,000 in front of the person in the lead!

More squares will be revealed as we progress through the game.


The bomb is the square you must try to avoid. At the beginning of the round, each player PMs me with a bomb on the grid (1-24). If you hit a bomb, you are out of the round. If you are the 1st to hit a bomb, £50,000 is removed from your score. If it's the second bomb it's £35,000 and if it's the 3rd bomb, £20,000 is removed. A bomb will reset your AV and Bonus Multipliers to ZERO. 2 or more BOMBs can be placed unknowingly in the same place, which could result in a draw, splitting the round winnnigs.

People who aren't playing in that round will place a BLAMMO in each round. Once hit, you have four squares to pick from. These are the buttons.
1: Block the Blammo
2: Eliminate someone else in the round
3: Eliminate yourself
4: Being put in a threshold situation.
A "Threshold situation" will put you in a hard situation where you lose £15,000 while putting these conditions into play:
1. 24 hours to pick
2. Auto-Warning.

MINI-GAMES - If you win a round and have a mini-game, you get to play it! These are affected by AV multipliers.

Image - 16 squares. You must find the penguin quickly. There is a $2,000,000 top prize, but it halves each time you find a bomb.

Image - 15 squares. Here, you must not hit fifteen until the last square. Numbers ONE to FIFTEEN will appear. You keep picking squares until you hit the square with FIFTEEN behind it. The longer you last, the more cash you get.

Image - A chance to replace your score with something bigger! 24 squares, and you must pick a square. Whatever is behind that square is what your score is replaced with.

Image - There are 8 rounds of 3x3 grids. You must find 10s, if you hit a bomb, you lose. A top prize of $100,000,000 up for grabs, it's a 1 in 1,067 chance!

Image - Make a map, and I will judge it out of $5,000,000! If it's good, you'll get some nice cash!

Image - A board of 24 squares appear. 2 C's, 2 A's, 2 S's, 2 H's and the rest BOMBs will appear on the board. The game is over when you pick one of a C, A, S and H. The fewer the turns, the more money you get.

Image - A board of 15 squares consist of 3 each of BOMBs, £500s, £5,000s, £50,000s and £500,000s. The first triple revealed is added to your score, but 3 BOMBS remove £50,000 off your score.

Image - You have £1,000 to begin with. The rest of the board is as follows:
16x – X2
1x – £5,000
1x – £2,500
1x - £1,000
1x - £500
2x – QUIT
2x – BOMB
Picking an X2 will double your total. A cash square simply adds to the allotted total. Pick a quit, you end the game and you leave with the cash sum totalled. Pick a bomb, you lose the total and it resets to £1,000. You go on until you hit a QUIT. If you hit a quit in the first square, bad luck.

Image - You have £2,500 betting money. There are 3 rows of four, each square has a number from 0-9. If you bet correctly, your betting money is doubled and added to your score. If you bet incorrectly, your betting money is removed. If you clear a row you get and extra £5,000. The game is over once you have no money left, or if you have cleared all rows.

Joke Cash Squares - These add 1 to your AV multiplier too!

Hidden Squares - Yes! They are hidden behind cash amounts, but you will be PM'd when you find one of em!

1. Defuse - You can defuse your bomb. It stays with you until you use it.
2. Deflect - It passes a bomb to someone else. It stays with you until you use it.
3. Bomb Finder - You will be PM'd where all the remaining bombs are! That my friends is very good.
4. Nitrous - You are guaranteed in the next round and you can place 3 bombs!
5. Force Bomb - You can force bomb someone else in the round, just PM me.
6. Broken Fuse - You are guaranteed in the next round, but you cannot place a bomb!
7. Fold - You can exit a round. You keep your mini games and multipliers, but you recieve no bonus.

Winning a Round
You win a round if
1. The other players have hit a bomb
2. When the board is clear
3. If you used a FOLD SQUARE.
If you won a round by the options 1 and 2, you recieve the bonus of 50k (or more if you picked a bonus square) and an extra £2,500 for every square remaining! If there is more than 1 winner the prize is split!


If you do not pick for 24 hours, you get a warning. If you don't pick for 48 hours, if warned, you are auto-bombed.

Thanks To
KP for the RTAB shuffler
BigJon and Aaron Brock for the game idea, and for the framework of the rules and the square ideas!

Current Players

1) blue_tetris
2) Hoohah2x2day
3) Mustardude
4) EdoI
5) Lightning55
6) eganic
7) 999_springs
8) BeNspired
9) Bufar
10) Turiski
11) Fingersonthefrets
12) aperture
13) Issacx
14) lookatthisisgoodatn
15) UnknownKirbyMan


1) fingersonthefrets: £1,787,298.85
2) EdoI: £1,663,152
3) 999_Springs: £615,000
4) Lightning55: £588,351
5) Hooha: £460,809
6) eganic: £13,000
7) Mustardude: £5,000
8) Turiski: £-35,000
9) bufar: £-50,000
=) blue_tetris: £-50,000

Last edited by 29403 on 2012.01.01 (13:19), edited 86 times in total.
Reason: =D

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Postby crescor » 2008.12.27 (15:56)

and what's the game exactly?


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Postby blue_tetris » 2008.12.27 (15:58)

I'm in!
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (11:18)

RIGHT! I am ready to host the first round of Race To A Billion! I just need 3 more players to start the next round.


Code: Select all

<   Player   > <      Money      > <AVx> < This Round > <Pos.>

<            > < £               > <00>  <            > <   1>
<            > < £               > <00>  <            > <   1>
<            > < £               > <00>  <            > <   1>
<            > < £               > <00>  <            > <   1>
sig by donfuy.
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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2008.12.29 (14:58)

okay, well, tbh im slightly confused on how to play. But i'll join anyway! =P

So, do i, like PM you or something..?
[spoiler=Friend Codes][/color]Wii: 8621-9472-7857-7226
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (15:01)

Cool. Thanks! For PMimg me, we'll wait until we get 4 players to start the first round. If you want, I'll PM you to PM me a bomb placement.
sig by donfuy.
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This Forum is probably the best forum that i have ever used and i would just like to say how proud i am to be a member of this forum

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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2008.12.29 (15:05)

yea, if you cud that would be great. Just PM me to tell me when to place the bombs and all =]

You know, if you hust read these comments without reading the title/rules, you'd think we were planning to blow up the world. ^_^
[spoiler=Friend Codes][/color]Wii: 8621-9472-7857-7226
CoD WaW: 1633-8997-2496
SSBB: 2835-9815-6521
Guitar Hero 3: 3909-8090-0912
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Postby Mustardude » 2008.12.29 (17:52)


So you put a bomb on a map in NUMA?
Check out the pack thread, click the picture above
wordblamcreator wrote:mahi_mahi has the french flag up! He must be surrendering...
mahi_mahi wrote:It's the Russian flag.

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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (17:57)

What?? No, it's not that.

There is a board of 24 squares, you tell me which number you place your bomb, and wait for someone to pick it, then BOOM! =D
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Postby Mustardude » 2008.12.29 (17:58)


Ok I get it now.
Check out the pack thread, click the picture above
wordblamcreator wrote:mahi_mahi has the french flag up! He must be surrendering...
mahi_mahi wrote:It's the Russian flag.

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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (18:01)

Right, you're in for round 1, which will be played tomorrow (or even today if I get another player!)
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Postby EdoI » 2008.12.29 (18:03)

Ummm... So we PM you to place ONE bomb per turn? How much bombs can we place per game? Is it a letters/numbers board like chess coordinates?Well, I think I'm in.

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Postby Mustardude » 2008.12.29 (18:05)

You tell 29403 in a PM which number (1-24) you would like to place 1 bomb. This game is really cool.
Check out the pack thread, click the picture above
wordblamcreator wrote:mahi_mahi has the french flag up! He must be surrendering...
mahi_mahi wrote:It's the Russian flag.

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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (18:08)

Now we can begin round 1! I need bomb placements from Hooha, blue_tetris and EdoI.
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Postby Lightning55 » 2008.12.29 (18:11)

I don't really get it, but I kinda want to join =/

PM me if there is an opening.
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.29 (18:14)

You are in for round 2, I'll PM you when it starts.
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Postby sheganican » 2008.12.29 (18:25)

me also for round two please.


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Postby 999_Springs » 2008.12.29 (19:03)

I'll play!

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Postby Rule » 2008.12.29 (19:23)

Ok, so on this board you can see every number and you have to pick one each turn? Until the other three are out?
So it's like a big guessing game? Inform me please.


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Postby bufar » 2008.12.29 (21:55)

I want is as well. I guess the waiting list is all the way to round three by now.

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Postby Turiski » 2008.12.30 (07:46)

Hey! I'll take one round.
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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.30 (11:32)

I think we might need to have six players in each round then. But let's start Race To A Billion!

Here, the first person to pick starts the round off, and it goes in turn.


Code: Select all

<   Player   > <      Money      > <AVx> < This Round > <Pos.>

<blue_tetris > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
<Hooha       > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
<Mustardude  > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
<EdoI        > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2008.12.30 (14:30)

So i don't PM you the number i want to pick, right? I just say it right here?

I'll edit this post if thats the case.

So now what do i do? just wait for the other 4 players or something? I'm still kind of confused.
Last edited by Hoohah2x2sday on 2008.12.30 (14:39), edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.30 (14:36)

Square 14...


Nice first pick.

Code: Select all

<   Player   > <      Money      > <AVx> < This Round > <Pos.>

<blue_tetris > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
<Hooha       > < £30,000         > <01>  <£30,000     > <   ->
<Mustardude  > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
<EdoI        > < £               > <01>  <£           > <   ->
Mustardude's pick now!
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Postby 29403 » 2008.12.30 (15:20)

Hoohah2x2sday wrote:So i don't PM you the number i want to pick, right? I just say it right here?

I'll edit this post if thats the case.

So now what do i do? just wait for the other 4 players or something? I'm still kind of confused.
You wait for the other three players to pick, then it's you again!
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