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Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (14:38)
by 29403
So, I post a wish e.g. I wish I was a millionaire. The next person corrupts the wish... then he wishes again.

Person 1: I wish I was a millionaire
Person 2: Wish yeilded, but you get all your money stolen.
I wish I was 21
Person 3: Granted, but then you die. I wish...

I wish I could complete 88-4.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (15:16)
by rambo5252
oh i gets it now!

umm you beat it but your n file getrs corrupted and loose all your data

i wish i had a better graphics card in my computer so i could play cod4 on it

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (16:22)
by 29403
Your COD4 and computer melts.
I wish I was tall.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (16:33)
by behappyy
Granted but than your legs get cut off and your now 2'6.

I wish their were no quiz, test, or exams in school.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (18:31)
by Yoshimo
Granted, but you have to do twice at home!

I wish N had suckish multiplayer with a lot of noobs.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (18:34)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
Granted but then you would get bored with crushing all the noobs and would stop playing N forever!

I wish I had a Nintendo DS.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (19:05)
by sheganican
wish granted, but you take poor care of your DS causing it to rot away.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (19:09)
by Evil_Sire

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (20:12)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
I would take great care of my DS!!!
Granted, but then you would realise urine is usually green and would stop liking it.
Pathetic, I know.
I wish people would actually look at my maps.
Predictable answer: "They would snipe you." Try something else.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (20:53)
by sheganican
wish granted, but you then become so popular that you are constantly swarmed with admires and have no time to have a life. or a girl friend. ha ha.

I wish Donkey Kong was my best friend and is incapable of injuring me in any way.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (21:12)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
I didn't mean popular. I do NOT want to be popular.
Granted, but then Mario would appear out of nowhere and kill him. Ha!!!
I wish..... Sephiroth was my friend. And would not go insane and try to crash a meteor into the planet.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.09 (22:25)
by rambo5252
he gets sniped in the face

i wish i had 3 wishes

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.10 (04:36)
by sheganican
wish granted, but... then... you die :D

I wish i automatically had the skills of Losttortuga.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.10 (13:35)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
You lose control of them and accidentally kill yourself!
I wish there were no bullies in the world.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.10 (20:56)
by Evil_Sire
Granted, but an woman with an un-usually large head catches your eye and you have 2 kids, named Bin and Bill.

I wish Bin and Bill were my friends.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.10 (22:51)
by wumbla
wish granted, but they move away to Antartica

I wish my wish won't get corupted by the next post

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.10 (23:06)
by Donfuy
wish granted, but you get paranoiac, and you en corrupting your own wish.

I wish my PC had a better video card.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.11 (03:01)
by sheganican
wish granted, but then, while you're away at work/school, i sneak in and smash it!

i wish there could be a forum game where people didnt try to throw in multiple paradox's

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.11 (03:06)
by wumbla
your waish was granted but the below line will corupt it

I wish that the next post did not exist

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.11 (04:09)
by bufar
Granted, this is the post after that. And Blizz is really pissed at you now. BTW Blizz, granted, but then the fleas burn down you house.
I wish I was a real boy.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.11 (18:05)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
Granted, but then you find out you are mortal and then die of shock.
I wish the world was a better place

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.11 (22:36)
by remm
Granted, but then a third of all humanity dies

I wish my wish doesn't get corrupted

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.12 (00:07)
by Brainwasher
Already been done, but granted, but you don't have any fun because the topic is closed.

To see some Grade-A Corrupt a Wish, go to the old forums

I wish I was two people.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.12 (18:19)
by lookatthisisgoodatn
Uh, romaniac, I want that to happen.
Granted, but then your clone kills you.
I wish people liked me as I am.

Re: Corrupt a Wish

Posted: 2008.11.12 (20:47)
by rambo5252
wish granted but then you get to populer and kill yourself
i wish i wasnt warned for doing absolutely nothing wrong