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(Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.13 (22:14)
by Xaiier
I dunno if this has been found b4, but pressing ctrl in the editor after N has died makes him move to your mouse, drilling through all objects and walls to get there.


Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.13 (23:00)
by unoriginal name
Very well known. Maps have been made around it. It is the pastime of bored N players around the globe.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.13 (23:01)
by ToeFaceKiller
Ha! I didn't know about that, that's awesome xD

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.14 (00:27)
by Atilla
I'm pretty sure that's in the editor manual.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.15 (07:50)
by Rikaninja
Ah yes. I figured that one out when I first started N. It's funny. I haven't done it for ages:)

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.15 (21:49)
by everythingfromatoz
Yes, I knew that. Put your cursor over a launchpad. SOOPA N!!!!!!!111ONEONE!!!1

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.16 (00:43)
by Meta Ing
I've known this for a long time too.

Shift will push the ninja, by the way.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.16 (22:56)
by Pikman
Space toggles ragdoll/dismembered. Enter shifts between dead and alive.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.17 (00:08)
by blackbelmoral
forgot about that. shift moves him

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.18 (20:25)
by Darkandroid
also, shoving him into a block before he's blownup
then blowing him up when he's in the block, makes it look like a blender.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.01.28 (03:18)
by Superpok
yeah, figured this out ages ago

ragdoll physics are cool and then you go play N a lot and they aren't that cool

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.02.15 (17:28)
by Tunco
A new set of tileset:
(which you can edit the shape like this:)
Main Shape:(triangular,squarerengular,etc.)
And other things like that.
Like creating your own tileset shape.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.02.15 (18:01)
by Izzy
Tunco123 wrote:A new set of tileset:
(which you can edit the shape like this:)
Main Shape:(triangular,squarerengular,etc.)
And other things like that.
Like creating your own tileset shape.
This isn't a suggestions thread. The guy that created it thought it was new, but it's not.

Re: (Possibly) New Thingy in Editor

Posted: 2009.02.19 (20:37)
by blackbelmoral
so the end