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Just out of curiosity...

Posted: 2009.01.21 (04:09)
by Darkandroid
how does one hack their .sol to get new flavours?
i don't care for highscores, an i have terrible ninja skillz.
i just hate playing as the black ninja all the time

Re: Just out of curiosity...

Posted: 2009.01.21 (04:11)
by TribulatioN
No, I do not.
Original Black is the beezkneez anyways.

Re: Just out of curiosity...

Posted: 2009.01.21 (04:13)
by golf
Although I don't necessarily believe you'd use the knowledge of how to hack your .sol to get highscores, I still disapprove of this question. Its really not a good one to ask, because with the answer you have the ability to do so, and the temptation could be too much.

Anyways, I don't know how to do it, so you'll get no answer from me anyways. :P

Re: Just out of curiosity...

Posted: 2009.01.21 (04:40)
by Condog
No hacking .sols. Hacking = Bad.

Re: Just out of curiosity...

Posted: 2009.01.21 (04:43)
by heatwave
Darkandroid wrote:how does one hack their .sol to get new flavours?
TribulatioN wrote:No, I do not.


Yep, hacking is not cool. You won't find anyone here who'll tell you.