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Posted: 2009.07.19 (05:16)
by Viil
Would it not be totally awesome if N was 3D, so when you made a map, you would have length, width, and also height? Say what you think of this idea.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.19 (05:21)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
What would the gameplay be like?
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.19 (05:43)
by Viil
ortsz wrote:What would the gameplay be like?
hmmmm, shit, never thought bout that.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.19 (14:55)
by Donfuy
ortsz wrote:What would the gameplay be like?
Just like goddamn Mirrors Edge! (like spoon/might said in another topic)
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.19 (15:02)
by SlappyMcGee
I don't think it would be good at all. Too disorienting.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.19 (20:07)
by origami_alligator
Would be difficult to create a map, methinks.
Also, shouldn't this be in N Discussion?
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (07:17)
by 29403
Also in 3D, you wouldn't feel as intimidated by enemies as in 2D.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (07:33)
by Skyling
I don't know. Walljumping in three dimensions seems like it would be kind of tricky.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (09:39)
by MattKestrel
Plus, random chainguns sniping at you would be even more of an issue :/
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (11:43)
by wedgie
What sort of camera angle view would you have? If it was fixed then the ninja could get hidden behind tiles. If it was third person with a following camera then that would just be hideous, and first person would just change the whole game.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (11:45)
by a happy song
Some kind of pseudo 3D would work, like Crash Bandicoot sidescrolling levels, but it would probably rob some of the charm.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (16:48)
by otters~1
Side-scrolling N? Someone lock this before it gets out of hand.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (16:51)
i have to admit some kind of first person 3D deal like Mirror's Edge only with N would be really sexy.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (17:11)
by Viil
wedgie wrote:What sort of camera angle view would you have? If it was fixed then the ninja could get hidden behind tiles. If it was third person with a following camera then that would just be hideous, and first person would just change the whole game.
I think that it would have multiple camera's, with of which you can switch through.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.20 (19:11)
by Animator
Side-scrolling N? Someone lock this before it gets out of hand.
Shouldn't this be in the N discussion thread? I really don't see how we're debating here.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.21 (11:47)
by a happy song
flagmyidol wrote:Side-scrolling N? Someone lock this before it gets out of hand.
I said the pseudo 3D found in that example, not side scrolling n.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.21 (23:30)
by Rose
Skyling wrote:I don't know. Walljumping in three dimensions seems like it would be kind of tricky.
It worked in Super Mario 64 and I'm sure many other games.
Nevertheless, I'm against N in 3-D. I just like the simplicity of it being in 2-D, i suppose.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.22 (09:59)
by rasty
N in 3D...get out
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.23 (06:36)
by Yoshimo
rasty wrote:N in 3D...get out
Lack of grammer? Only 2 posts? Get out.
Anyways, I'd have to see it in action to believe that the concept will work.
The wall jumping is finicky in N, as in it needs to be real precise to not kill you, so Super Mario 64 is not a good example, but it could work out. See above line.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.23 (14:38)
by unoriginal name
BionicCryonic wrote:The wall jumping is finicky in N, as in it needs to be real precise to not kill you, so Super Mario 64 is not a good example, but it could work out.
What? I don't consider walljumping in N very finicky at all, at least not compared with other 2D walljumping I've experienced. I don't know what you're talking about with it needing to be precise. If you need to hit the side of an E to avoid getting crushed against the floor, then sure, it's precise, but I can't imagine a game where it would be any different. Basic walljumping is very, very simple. It's "jump, jump, jump" in a shaft, and "jump & right/left, jump & right/left, jump & right/left" on a wall. I don't see where the finickiness or preciseness comes in. But it certainly would be a great bit more demanding in 3D, I can't deny that.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.07.24 (05:14)
by PsychoSnail
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned
this yet.
N in 3D could possibly work, though it wouldn't really be the same game.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.08.15 (09:33)
by Drathmoore
I would think that if 3D elements were to be incorperated, then 2.5D would be the way to go. Like
Megaman 2.5D. Keep the 2D aspects that make the game so loveable (and at the same time, challenging), but give new ways for the player to explore levels and gameplay.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.08.18 (03:11)
by DarkN
I agree that it would be a completely different game; however, I don't think it should be completely written off. I would support it, and frankly, if I had the programming skill, I'd try to make one myself (with permission of course :)). And as for the camera angle, I'd go with something like Super Mario 64's (I'm sure there's a name for it).
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.09.10 (23:16)
by Jawbit
3D would NOT work for this game. However, if the graphics were all 3D and everything was rendered in 3D, but the 2D gameplay was the same, THAT would be cool.
Re: 3D
Posted: 2009.09.11 (01:58)
by Rhekatou