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The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.13 (20:57)
by Pixon
What was it? Mine was Blizz's Amun's Revenge.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.14 (00:47)
by PsychoSnail
I don't remember which one I played first, except for the fact that it was in the original userlevels.txt. I do remember that the first DDA I played was Brickman's "Running man," though.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.14 (09:16)
by Tunco
"Channels" by atob.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.14 (11:58)
by Rule
Electioneering, I think.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.15 (02:54)
by otters~1
One of the atob ones. Good start.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.15 (04:43)
by SkyPanda
The one with the planes and the fountain inside a giant box

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.17 (18:53)
by 29403
My own map, Puppy Pit...

If you're talking about that batch of impossible maps that came with N... Tower Loop.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.18 (20:37)
by T3chno
First one?
80-0 "Jumping up the Valley" - Eli

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.21 (03:24)
by Leaff
Day and Night by trib4l. Aww yeah <333.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.21 (13:24)
by ChaoStar
Sendy's waterworld.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.21 (19:58)
by Radium
Evicrah. By ??? i can't remem. who was it?

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.22 (20:40)
by meow0369
mine was amuns revenge as well geese i suck at n game compared to some people

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.22 (20:44)
by Rhekatou
Arachnid's N pinball.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.26 (23:17)
by amomentlikethis
Mine was that bounce block N-Art I think. I can't remember the name. I was curious to what "N-Art" was.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.28 (12:01)
by natrues peril
speak by umm... i forget

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.08.28 (15:40)
by rocket_thumped
natrues peril wrote:speak by umm... i forget
I think nevermore made speak.

Re: The First UserLevel you Played

Posted: 2009.09.30 (14:43)
by Diamondeye
Ally Cat Blues.

Wicked good map.