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N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (12:46)
by Universezero
I've seen people use both... but which is the proper one to use? Most of the time I use n in a sentence and N at the start of a sentence, but I really shouldn't, seeing as it's a proper noun. Which makes things even more confusing.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (12:52)
by ENT474
N is proper noun, so I use N. Of course, n is shorthand fr ppl who wnt 2 b lzy.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (12:54)
by EddyMataGallos
Yeah N

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (15:57)
by OneSevenNine
N. just makes more sense, since it's the name of something.

though... I've never even considered this before in the four years I've been playing the game.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (16:02)
by heatwave
It's n.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (16:16)
by fawk

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (16:30)
by a happy song
n - sod grammar, it's that way in the game so it's that way fullstop.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (16:36)
by Spawn of Yanni
Oh, pff. Then it is also intel, xerox, twitter, facebook, digg, etc etc. I think M&R referring to it as N is evidence enough.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (20:03)
by 999_Springs
heatwave wrote:o_______o
It's n.
And yet, in the story, configure and help sections, it's referred to as N. See for yourself.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.04 (20:31)
by Pheidippides
What Yanni said. N plz.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.05 (00:56)
by Scrivener
i like using n. the blocky "n" symbol at the main menu is simply the way i think of the game, y'know?

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.05 (02:19)
by Kablizzy
a happy song wrote:n - sod grammar, it's that way in the game so it's that way fullstop.
Nope, it's N. There's no debate to it. The game's legal full title is N: Way of the Ninja.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.05 (06:12)
by squibbles
View New Posts wrote:N or n?
by Universezero ยป Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:46 pm in N

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.06 (22:13)
by moonlight
N N N N. Saying n looks like a spelling mistake or slang to me.

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.06 (22:46)
by sidke
how about... both?

Re: N or n?

Posted: 2010.06.14 (01:02)
by Rose
maki wrote:how about... both?

I use N.