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Is there any way to download all highscore demos?

Posted: 2010.07.30 (22:19)
by EddyMataGallos
Is there any way to download all highscore demos?
Because im gonna to the beach for the entire August and im not gonna have internet, and i'd like to continue playing and "highscoring", but I need the demos to see the routes, etc.
Is there any way of doing this?

Re: Is there any way to download all highscore demos?

Posted: 2010.07.30 (22:26)
by vankusss just copy the 100 0ths, it's most of the time the route everyone uses and most of the time the non-legit 0th uses the same route, too

Re: Is there any way to download all highscore demos?

Posted: 2010.07.30 (22:38)
by EddyMataGallos
Ok, thanks a lot man :D
I wanted to appear on the Top-20 rankings we do each week before August, beating Amdi, but after going from 5 top-20 to 93 top-20s in less than a month, playing lots of hours a day, i got tired at the begginning of July, but i've been resting and I hope this August I'll be fresh again xD. Hopefully, on the 1st of Septemebr you'll see me in the Top-20 rankings! (maybe, hopefully =)).

Re: Is there any way to download all highscore demos?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (03:14)
by Raif This is probably better if you want to download only the 0ths. Also make sure to download Eeyore's map data program, you don't want to have only the demos and not the map data. Heres the link

Re: Is there any way to download all highscore demos?

Posted: 2010.07.31 (11:00)
by EddyMataGallos
Oh yeah, i forgot it, thanks a lot too moh =D