Suggestions for New Map Makers by jeffkillian
~ These suggestions were compiled in order for the new map-maker to know what is considered "taboo" or bad in a map.
The Survival Map Manifesto by blue_tetris
~ In creating this manifesto, I intend to instruct map makers on how to create the perfect survival map. Why am I qualified to do this? I like to think I make good survival maps. It's an aspect of the map-making scene which I feel some amount of dominion over. I believe I have more survival maps than any other map-maker and I also believe that I withhold secrets which may help prospective map makers. I cannot, in all conscience, keep the secrets hidden any longer.
The Thwump Manifesto by blue_tetris
~ In creating this manifesto, I intend to instruct map makers on the many uses of the thwump. Why am I qualified to do this? I use an unparalleled number of thwumps. Map-for-map, I have the highest thwump usage rate on NUMA. I've spent more time figuring out every possible use for a thwump than I would willingly confess to friends and loved-ones. Also, I believe I possess the secrets of thwump. My spirit remains hindered so long as I retained these secrets alone.
The Gold Manifesto by blue_tetris
~ In creating this manifesto, I intend to instruct map makers on how to appropriately place gold within their maps. I want to show how gold-placement helps to manage time, player motivation, replay value, and design
The Mine Manifesto by blue_tetris
~ In creating this manifesto, I intend to instruct beginner map makers on how to get used to placing mines to effectively limit access and create challenge. I also intend to give helpful hints to even the most seasoned map makers about how to better understand the way they use mines. In learning the theories behind mines, I hope you can all end up using them more effectively.
Level Structure and Concept Manifesto by Sendy
~ In this guide I hope to give some general ideas and pointers to the factors which come into play in the overall structure of a level. Being aware of the spacetime topology of your level as you build it, and how that influences it's gameplay, is an essential design skill. If this guide gives just one person a small bit of inspiration, I will consider my job done.
DDA Manifesto by lord_day and Jiggerjaw
~ The brainchild of lord_day, this is a comprehensive DDA Manifesto, which, when asked to touch it up, I took and basically doubled the size of it. We hope you read it all, even though it seems to be a lot, because it contains sh*t-heaps of helpful information on making cool, effective DDAs.
Map Theory: The importance of Function and Form by atob
~ For me - for a map to be truly exceptional - there are two criteria that need to be fully satisfied when creating a map: The 'Function' and the 'Form'. Now, this may seem obvious, but more often than not one is neglected for (sometimes even in spite of) the other.
Making DDAs by Clifty
~ Right, the way I see it, there are four different types of DDAs: Multi-enemy, KRADDA, concept, and n00b. I'm going to take time and try and describe all of them, and how I make them.
Getting your maps noticed by lord_day
- Today, I am going to talk about getting your maps noticed on NUMA. So if you are a map maker who finds this really easy and you already get your maps noticed, then you can turn the page. However, I know many of you find your maps falling off the newest page with no votes. It happens to everyone when they start. So here is the deal. Before you can build a reputation, you need people to be playing your maps. Sounds obvious right? But many people miss this crucial point
The Door Manifesto by squibbles
- I've held this off for a long time now...I'm afraid it's not excelently written, and it is be missing some stuff, but it'll have to do, so without further ado, proceed!
Full credit to all authors for the Guides/Manifestos. Truly stunning work.