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Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

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Vampire Salesman
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Postby DigitalDuck » 2009.02.21 (16:53)

Sorry, but just to clear up:

Person A sends map to fellow mapmaker.
They send back an AGD.
Person A sends map and AGD to one judge.
Judge distributes map to all judges.
Judges vote whether map should be in or out.
Judges tell Person A outcome.

If in, Person A keeps a copy of all his/her maps.
A selected few keep a copy of all maps.

If out, judges tell Person A how the map can be improved.
Person A makes improvments and resubmits to one judge.

If map is unimprovable, but crap, map is rejected.

Is that how it works?

EDIT - just repairing some logic.

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Postby ChaoStar » 2009.02.21 (17:04)


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Vampire Salesman
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Postby DigitalDuck » 2009.02.21 (17:23)

Good. Glad I could sum it up in one post.

Oh, and I should have finished my first two MOA maps by Wednesday-ish.

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