Episodic levels

Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

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Postby Diamondeye » 2009.04.23 (14:35)

I'm rather new in the N community here (and on NUMA), and I'm trying to grow better at designing levels.

So, here goes, I was thinking of making some episodes like the built-in levels, that carried a certain theme thru several levels - and I was thinking, in order to get inspiration and hopefully experience at creating maps, I would be doing this with someone else (one or more).

So, would anyone be interested in creating some episodic maps with me? I'd imagine I learnt the most if you created the first map of the episode and I had to "catch" the style in the map for my map(s).


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Try some of my new episodic maps!

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Postby Ampersand » 2009.04.23 (19:51)

I'm sure I could contribute a handful.
mintnut wrote:Oh my life, STRAP ON A PAIR! Get over it, make better maps, innit?
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Postby Diamondeye » 2009.04.23 (20:31)

Great... Could you make, say, two maps with the same theme (those would then be XX-0 and XX-1), and PM them to me with $####'s included (so you can be credited and name your maps etc), then I'll try to make some maps that suit them?

If we get more (and more experienced) people in on this, we could make a little mappack with them - that'd be nice.

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Postby squibbles » 2009.04.23 (22:50)

yeah, count me in too. We should make this a map-pack.


Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby Diamondeye » 2009.04.23 (23:07)

Great! Thanks and welcome, Squibbles :)

Okay, I have lots of homework (school :( ) for wed-thursday, but I'll have time during the weekend to do some mapping.. So, do you think you could have a map or two up by thursday, Squibbles and Ampersand? Let's get this thing rolling!

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Postby Cheez » 2009.04.26 (22:01)

I'm happy to help
If you need the assistance
With your N Mappack.
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Postby Diamondeye » 2009.04.27 (07:04)

That would be great, thanks.
Just pm or post the maps,
and keep the haiku ;)

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<Yanni> Ping me baby one more time
<Yanni> While I'm at work and I'll permaban you

Try some of my new episodic maps!

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