10. jeffkillian - Desperado
The epitome of all symmetrical action maps, ever. You cannot make a better one than this, simple as that. Flawlessly simple concept, with decidedly amazing reactions.
9. MARIJNENANDRIES - Silver Pillars 3
Strangely, although I tend to enjoy a more aesthetically pleasing Race map more, the sheer elegance and speed at which this one executes its purpose is gorgeous and dazzlingly fun.
8. jSweep - A Map in a Cage on Antibiotics
Easily the smallest map on this list. I can't tell you exactly why I like it, but it's certainly amazing. Ridiculous tileset is ridiculously extravagant.
7. Chaotix_0 - Abstract Hollow
What a strangely beautiful mine-jumper, for one created in such a limited era of mapping. This opened my eyes to loving mine jumpers everywhere, and practically tops my list of them.
6. Yahoozy - Abhor the Mountain; Hesitation
I actually really enjoy climbing that mine wall. It does not make me punch babies.
5. Barabajagal - daffodil complex
I think you can tell by now that I like a lot of mines in my maps. This one is certainly no exception, each so perfectly placed. Gives me gigantic boners and such.
4. Templex - Twig
One might say that in his later career he over used that tileset type and play style. But this was where it began, and the pinnacle of his achievements. Brilliant map.
3. lord_day - Mishbitsu Hydrant
Finally, one of my favourites that's been featured. Gives me a bit of peace to know that my opinion is occasionally shared. And with this map, at a four after forty-one votes, I think it is.
2. krusch - Domo-kun FTW!
Not only the second best dude in the world ( I think I'm pretty cool ), but also the second best map on NUMA. Let's hear it for my Tan Tan.
1. AMomentLikeThis - Poetically Pathetic
And here we are. My favourite NUMA map. My favourite map full stop, actually. So many mines, so much corner jumping, so much beauty and aesthetic value. I can't get enough of this shit. When AMLT presents, he presents large. Wooooord.
Anyway, that's that. I'd like to see if anyone else has some top lists at all! I'd be interested to see. Or if they agree or disagree with my choices.