What's your backlog of incomplete / yet-to-submit maps like?

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Postby Mae » 2009.06.06 (10:52)

What's your backlog of incomplete / yet-to-submit maps like?

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Postby unoriginal name » 2009.06.06 (14:29)

Hahahahah. I have several txt files of maps I haven't submitted. It's really rather ridiculous. I have three maps for a stand-alone episode I'll be releasing, a file called "hjghjkjh" that must have at least twenty horrible maps in it. I've got four "Sketches" and then a "Gauss Draft," which has some early versions of map I've touched up later, maybe. I'm sure I have more hidden away somewhere, but those are the most readily available.

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Postby EdoI » 2009.06.06 (14:38)

I have a text file with all of my maps. In the file I have four sections: Sent, Not sent, MotA, and Unfinished. In case I stop making a map when it's not finished, it goes under Unfinished, but if it's like usual and I make it without interuptions, I submit it to the MotA site, and it goes in the MotA section. Once the map gets rejected it goes to the Not sent section, and it stays there until I submit it on NUMA. Under the Sent section are, of course, all of the NUMA maps. But it's not always like that. MotA is a temporar project, and the MotA section of course does not exist in the time when it's not working.

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Postby Pixon » 2009.06.06 (15:09)

I've got a text file with 30 maps in it. Most are crap. A few are good.

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Postby Pheidippides » 2009.06.06 (15:12)

Barring a certain mappack-in-progress, my backlog is pretty small and full of mostly tilearts and such. A few action maps, but not many are worth submitting. Maybe 15-20 maps in total.

I can't wait for Blizz to find this thread.
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Postby Tunco » 2009.06.06 (15:14)

I have like 30 or 40 maps, all of them drawn to my notebook, at school, because of boredom.
And they are good, in fact.


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Postby otters~1 » 2009.06.06 (18:02)

Pheidippides wrote:I can't wait for Blizz to find this thread.

Anyway, I have about fifty-ish maps around that you guys would love to see, I'm sure. I lack a flash drive to transport them to ol' NUMA right now.
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Postby kkstrong » 2009.06.06 (18:04)

I have 1 map in a text file. I really only every use my backlog to put a map I will finish later. If its not good enough to submit to NUMA, its not worth keeping.

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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.06.06 (21:36)

I have a whole folder filled with stuff that I've never used :/ Drafts for half-finished maps, txts of the Arborist's Episode, the Arborist's Notes (check them out on the thread, I updated the first post concerning the soon-to-be-release a while ago) And some collab with blackwhite. Maybe I'll get around to finishing it all off at some point.

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Postby OneSevenNine » 2009.06.08 (00:01)

I have maybe fifteen notepad files in my N folder, and four of them are named some permutation of the letters "asdf." They have varying amounts of level data in them, usually pasted in there without any identification. I never realized how much effort it apparently takes for me to, uh, name things. :3
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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.06.08 (00:55)

About 40, but 30 of them rough creations made to perfect the other ten.
Mainly start with "A" or "aa".

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Postby heatwave » 2009.06.08 (02:11)

Bah, If only I could upload entire folders. 7 maps, currently backlogged. I think I'll submit one of 'em now, as a matter-o-fact.


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Postby squibbles » 2009.06.08 (02:17)


I have at least 70. At least. I find maps all over my computer...they just make their way into all my folders.

I expect soon for the system files to ferment into playable maps, of a much higher quality then I make. Wait, I use Vista...never mind...they'll be shit.


Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby Nexx » 2009.06.08 (23:49)

I have a lot of text files (almost 70) with basic map structures that are just sitting there, waiting to be made into full maps. Some of them are just unfinished creations, but most are things I stumbled upon while making another map. For example, I'll be working on an action map when I'll notice that some part of that map could make for a cool section in a mine jumper. I really should get around to doing whatever I'm going to do with them.

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Postby squibbles » 2009.06.09 (02:36)

I came up with a really cool design of a map using a mine, 1 piece of gold for delay and teleporters. Want it? I'm never going to use it. :/


Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby Ampersand » 2009.06.09 (04:39)

Pheidippides wrote:I can't wait for Blizz to find this thread.

Whooooakay. I've got my LegacyRejects.txt with about 600 maps/tilesets in it, Daily.txt with what used to be my daily ritual of mapping at least twice a day, which has another 1440 or so in there - Not sure how many of those got used or turned into actual Legacy maps, but around the peak of our Legacy-ing, I had around 2k in just sitting. I've then got a text file with around 160 maps in it that are just remixes of Legacy maps, a pack for the Contract that LV and I did a long while back with 35 or 40 in there, a secondary map-pack with around 70 maps that I never ended up finishing, another 20 from a Collab Pack with Sendy that we started and never finished, a DDA.txt file with around 25 beginnings to DDAs that I could never finish (Including a Legacy DDA that was going to be a 17-way KRA), a few that I began on a follow-up to the Christmas map-pack with rocket_thumped last year, and then maybe 10 or 15 small smatterings from projects that either didn't get off the ground or that I abandoned some short way in.
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Postby SkyPanda » 2009.06.09 (06:48)

Ampersand wrote:...another 20 from a Collab Pack with Sendy that we started and never finished...
Nice, you should totally post that

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