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N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.09 (23:02)
by blackbelmoral
ok, im not sure if this has been done. but, how this works is the person above you has a numa map, and they say a story part that goes with it. to win, you must take a screenshot of the right part and say what's happening. first person to submit wins.
i will eventually have a sidebar for winners.
As N climbed the ladder, he suddenly wondered why the guards never looked backwards. Then, seeing them coming, he speedily ran out the door.

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.14 (01:20)
by Brainwasher

The ninja never realized what a hard game monopoly was.
And people think Monopoly is just a game, nay, it is the life of ninjas we hold in our hands.
"I thought you said a frendly game of Monopoly," said the terrified ninja.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 deds.

I win four times!
I can't wait for that sigbar.

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.14 (21:18)
by blackbelmoral
sorry. you have to take a screenshot of my map where the story is.

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.15 (00:04)
by Rikaninja
I inverted the screenshot! Here it is:

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.16 (02:21)
by Brainwasher
How do you take a screen shot?

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.16 (07:51)
by Rikaninja
You have to press Alt PrntSc when the game is paused in a certain pos. Then Cntrl V in Paint or somthing and save the pic. Then attach it in your post :)

Re: N level story thread

Posted: 2008.12.19 (19:25)
by blackbelmoral
or, on a pc just press prt scrn, by scroll lock