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Map help

Posted: 2008.12.22 (22:53)
by Superpok
I think there shoudl be a thread where newer and less experienced mappers can go and get advice from more experienced mappers instead of just making a new topic or something. you know, something more centralized

so here it is, as soon as some experienced people post saying they'll check in every now an then, people can start posting maps to get advice

I'd like to say that i'll give advice, but i'd be more on the recieving end

Re: Map help

Posted: 2008.12.22 (22:57)
by Erik-Player

Re: Map help

Posted: 2008.12.23 (00:48)
by Superpok
well alright then, that was a pointless topic, guess it can be deleted

Re: Map help

Posted: 2009.02.19 (20:40)
by blackbelmoral
you can go to my mentoring thread