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[WIP] Gravity Pack: 100-stage mappack

Posted: 2008.12.24 (04:10)
by Fraxtil
I'm currently working on a 100-stage map pack called "Gravity Pack." It's sort of a revival of an idea I had a long time ago, starting with the map Dissurected, that I never got around to doing.
The maps will be sorted by difficulty, prefixed with "Stage #: ", from 1 to 99. Like the built-in levels, the difficulty slope isn't entirely linear. For example, episode 29 is certainly harder than episode 30- similarly, stage 29 would be harder than stage 30 in this pack, and so on.
I'd also love to collab with somebody for a few stages in this pack- if you feel up to it, PM me. :)

Current stage list:

(I know it's generally bad etiquette to create a thread about a mappack before it's released, but it would be difficult to ask someone in general to collaborate without making a topic.)

Re: [WIP] Gravity Pack: 100-stage mappack

Posted: 2008.12.31 (23:18)
by Superpok
is this open to people making levels, or just collabs?

i'll collab if you want

Re: [WIP] Gravity Pack: 100-stage mappack

Posted: 2009.01.01 (00:36)
by toasters
Count me in.

Re: [WIP] Gravity Pack: 100-stage mappack

Posted: 2009.01.03 (19:53)
by Fraxtil
Superpok wrote:is this open to people making levels, or just collabs?

i'll collab if you want
Just collabs for now. I might want to choose one or two other people to do solo maps as well, though, seeing as I'm up to about 30 stages atm.

Re: [WIP] Gravity Pack: 100-stage mappack

Posted: 2009.01.11 (19:20)
by Superpok
i made an episode for a mappack i never finished, do you want them?