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Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.27 (01:17)
by sheganican
do judges judge all 30 of the maps and decide which is best?

what is the judges job?

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.27 (02:53)
by Nexx
So the judges have 5 days to rate 30+ maps each? Because I'm sure I'd need more time than that. In fact, I'm still iffy about being a judge. I will try to give you a solid answer on that sometime in the next 3 days.

Also, you should allow maps of all lengths and difficulties. If it's too long/short/easy/hard, it will show in the score.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.27 (04:20)
by Erik-Player
You say join now so do I have to ask before I post a map or can people just pop up and put up maps?

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.27 (11:06)
by Geti
endprodukt. [v1.3] a hard out-of-style indoors map, very long.
"It's a little too relentless for my skill level" - atob

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.27 (12:31)
by random_man183
I'll submit one for fun:

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.29 (03:40)
by Lightning55
How many maps are we allowed to submit?

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.29 (20:22)
by Erik-Player

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.29 (20:28)
by Radium
Here are 2 I believe should go in:

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.30 (22:38)
by Cheez
Yo, nSpired, I made a map specifically for this pack. :D
Try it out. I'm gonna warn you; it's hard. But yes, I have beat it.
Maybe I'll do good, because this is the best of 3 maps I've submitted to NUMA. Thanks.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2008.12.31 (16:59)
by lolzers
this is my map it might be my first but it is kinda fun.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.03 (12:28)
by MattKestrel
Heres my submissions, in a vain attempt to get you to reconsider.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.03 (17:31)
by Lightning55
After Dec 15th right? Btw, I love the title for it.

I will submit (for consideration) another 2 later.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.03 (23:38)
by lolzers

this any better?

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.04 (09:31)
by Universezero
May I join?

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.04 (13:20)
by MattKestrel
If you want, I'll take this over and make a seperate thread for it later. I'll get some good quality judges to help out; I'll just sort out the admin.

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.08 (13:39)
by isaacx
if people are still taking maps,

Re: The 2009 'nfinity map-pack ::JOIN NOW::

Posted: 2009.01.08 (22:07)
by MattKestrel
Could someone lock this thread? I'll set up a new one and administrate it if people want.