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The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.04 (04:05)
by lolzers
All maps must be DDA, I will judge them,there will be 30 maps.I will tell you when it is over and give the link to the maps,anybody can enter!they can be made in nreality.

Re: The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.04 (07:35)
by Universezero
Let's try this.

Re: The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.04 (15:35)
by Pixon
And these.

Re: The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.05 (21:12)
by lolzers
come on get more maps!!!

Re: The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.08 (02:40)
by Lightning55

I'm sort of making another one, but not really dedicated to making it. But that isn't allowed for use in this map pack.

Re: The DDA map pack!

Posted: 2009.01.10 (16:53)
by lolzers
great maps everyone,I will be making another map pack called the Nsane map pack if you wish to join go Here
of course you can still enter this one