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"MGP Maps" - is this a new concept?

Posted: 2009.01.09 (08:52)
by gonzo3100
So I was playing N 1.4's first Metanet level about 5 mins ago.
Yep thats right

EPISODE 0.0 how epic

And i had a thought

what about minimum gold possible maps?

Step one - make a map.
step two - place objects
step three - place gold (without spamming)

Tell in your map description how many pieces of gold you can get which is impossible to miss.

The player however, is to only get those pieces of gold.
They must get the minimum amount of gold possible.

I have no idea if this concept has already been done.
Please say if it has, and a link to one please <3

gonzo3100 - relatively nooby mapmaker

Re: "MGP Maps" - is this a new concept?

Posted: 2009.01.09 (11:21)
by Condog
There was a contest held a while ago (by almt, i believe) that was based on an idea similar to this. You had to complete a level getting only a certain amount of gold(ie, 2 pieces).

Re: "MGP Maps" - is this a new concept?

Posted: 2009.01.09 (11:26)
by a happy song
I remember the concept, I think I've seen it a few times, but I can't recall specific examples. No reason not to have a go yourself though.

Re: "MGP Maps" - is this a new concept?

Posted: 2009.01.09 (11:49)
by SkyPanda
I remember a map that had a try-to-get-no-gold thing going, I think it was by Sweep?, you had to delete one of the ninjas, play the map, record a demo then use that demo for the other ninja, who had was supposed to avoid getting gold. I utterly failed to explain that, but maybe there's somebody who can understand what i'm saying and knows which map it is.