The Harder the Better...? a false statement...!
Posted: 2009.01.13 (20:00)
Most new mapmakers (noobs)
have always thought that maps are the best when they are really really really (is that too many??) hard.
I thought so myself back in the days...
I have come to learn otherwise, yes some good maps are extremely hard but they have other aspects as-well that make them better. e.g:
Their looks are pleasing
the Aesthetics are great
and last of all but the most important:
They are FUN!!
Any good map is always fun..
a frustrating map is so... so.. well.. frustrating..
A fun map that is ugly is still better than a frustrating overdone ugly map nonetheless making it pwetty and enjoyable to play helps.
Recently I have noticed allot of noobs saying:
''This is my hardest complete-able map''
''this is the hardest map I've made so-far''
I don't know what they are trying to accomplish.. fine if you want to make a hard map that has too many spammed objects, its fine with me but if you are trying to make a good map that everybody will want to play then (you don't have to do what I say next but I would advise it) try follow these lines
Game-play is what makes a map fun
depending on if your making a mine-jumper to a race game-play is still the main factor..
Make the game fun to play give it some enemies but make them flow into the game.
Enemies are the things that kill n (duh!)
enemies is the main factor that affects game-play, placing too many of one type in one area is called spamming and is usually frowned upon.. instead place two well place enemies..
avoiding enemies is fun but only too a point. don't over do it.
trying to mix all the enemies into one level to make the level hard is frustrating and ugly. rather stick to one style and keep with it while being conscious about not over doing that style.
Looks and and aesthetics that flow with the game-play
I would recommend atobs theory of form and function=
when objects are just spammed all-over the page with just some e-tiles to support n and the objects are to make the game hard.. then.. well it isn't very appealing to the eye..
cut down on spamming and add a nice atmosphere by adding tiles that suit the map you are making without obstructing the game-play.
objects look great when flow into the tile-set but still affects the game-play in a good way.. pointless objects that are just there to look pretty is sometimes frowned upon if there are too many because it takes up loading time.
thats about it from me concerning this...
hope it helps...
yours unfaithfully and not HIV positive-
have always thought that maps are the best when they are really really really (is that too many??) hard.
I thought so myself back in the days...
I have come to learn otherwise, yes some good maps are extremely hard but they have other aspects as-well that make them better. e.g:
Their looks are pleasing
the Aesthetics are great
and last of all but the most important:
They are FUN!!
Any good map is always fun..
a frustrating map is so... so.. well.. frustrating..
A fun map that is ugly is still better than a frustrating overdone ugly map nonetheless making it pwetty and enjoyable to play helps.
Recently I have noticed allot of noobs saying:
''This is my hardest complete-able map''
''this is the hardest map I've made so-far''
I don't know what they are trying to accomplish.. fine if you want to make a hard map that has too many spammed objects, its fine with me but if you are trying to make a good map that everybody will want to play then (you don't have to do what I say next but I would advise it) try follow these lines
Game-play is what makes a map fun
depending on if your making a mine-jumper to a race game-play is still the main factor..
Make the game fun to play give it some enemies but make them flow into the game.
Enemies are the things that kill n (duh!)
enemies is the main factor that affects game-play, placing too many of one type in one area is called spamming and is usually frowned upon.. instead place two well place enemies..
avoiding enemies is fun but only too a point. don't over do it.
trying to mix all the enemies into one level to make the level hard is frustrating and ugly. rather stick to one style and keep with it while being conscious about not over doing that style.
Looks and and aesthetics that flow with the game-play
I would recommend atobs theory of form and function=
when objects are just spammed all-over the page with just some e-tiles to support n and the objects are to make the game hard.. then.. well it isn't very appealing to the eye..
cut down on spamming and add a nice atmosphere by adding tiles that suit the map you are making without obstructing the game-play.
objects look great when flow into the tile-set but still affects the game-play in a good way.. pointless objects that are just there to look pretty is sometimes frowned upon if there are too many because it takes up loading time.
thats about it from me concerning this...
hope it helps...
yours unfaithfully and not HIV positive-