The previous pack wasn't as cohesive as I wanted it to be. Some of the levels where I'd attempted to remove myself from my comfort zone and experiment a little lacked the polish and shine I wanted to achieve with the pack as a whole. This revamped collection might be a little more standard in terms of atob design, but I'm much happier with the way it plays.
Feel free to feedback.
004: Wingclipper - New!
200: lightly seared on the reality grill - New!
201: cargo cult - New!
203: ion bloom - New!
500: lament of the bloodroots - New!
501: gunboat diplomat - New!
502: and the glass handed kites - New!
503: frightspear - New!
504: hence the fortress - New!
601: they who climb, shine! - New!
701: hidden gesture - New!
703: we haven't met but you're a great fan of MINE - New!
604: distant heaven: a dark machine breaths for me - Removed some gold spam, reloacted a door switch.
700: Raceway Olympia - Moved mines on top of torches closer together to provide more footing.
804: Vally Of The Watchmen - Redesigned some gold placement.