Interactive N-Art

Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

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Postby CaptainPolio » 2009.04.10 (06:26)

So here's the deal: to make N-Art more interesting for everyone involved, instead of simply putting it out there for all to see... make a 'connect-the-dots' N-Art. Now, don't dismiss this idea out of hand immediately, after all I know that lots of people get tired of having to scroll through seemingly endless thumbnails of characters from "Bleach" or "Naruto" (honestly, no disrespect meant to any artists reading this, your skills are amazing and I admire the effort and beauty of every one of your artworks), so I think that a great way to get people involved would be through active interaction with the art. Having never created any N-Art myself (due to lack of skill) I feel rather left out. Now, I have realised that a 'connect-the-dots' map might be slightly less good looking than a traditional N-Art as it would simply be an outline, but hey we might as well give it a shot. Please give me your ideas and feel free to spread this around (with due credit given)... unless it's a piece of %$@!.
Captain Polio! don't piss him off or he'll shit in your mailbox!

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Postby Titanium » 2009.04.14 (20:13)

Sounds fun BUT narts can be extremely laggy, so it probably won't become a craze of sorts.

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Postby Universezero » 2009.04.19 (08:29)

Wireframe = a connect the dots map

Tileset = a playable N-art

There you go.

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