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Can someone help me?

Posted: 2009.04.17 (14:58)
by dj_chillycheeze
I am new to this forum, but have playing n for several years now. After beating the game in it's entirety I began to play user levels and was hooked. I do not make my own maps as that does not appeal to me, so I have no knowledge of how to do some things that may be simple to others.

I have achieved an AGD on Lucidium's Precarious.
I have never been able to get the last gold without falling to the floor below.
Can someone please send me, or post a copy of this map where the ninja starts at the last gold? I intend to practice this to create a better demo on the original map. It just takes too long to get to that spot, and I usually only have enough time to attempt it once.

Thank you,

DJ Chilly Cheeze

Re: Can someone help me?

Posted: 2009.04.17 (17:50)
by 29403
Welcome to the forums.

Good luck!

Re: Can someone help me?

Posted: 2009.04.17 (17:56)
by dj_chillycheeze
Sweet! Thank you so much. I hope it didn't take too long.

DJ Chilly Cheeze

edit: Took about 100 tries, but it is possible to get that gold without falling. Thank you so much again. Now it's off to do it in the original.

Re: Can someone help me?

Posted: 2009.04.18 (02:14)
by KlanKaos
Lol =)

Welcome to the forums.

If you ever want to do this yourself, just press the ~ key (in the top-left corner of most keyboards) and go from there. The instructions are fairly self-evident - paste the level data into the appropriate textbox, load it, and edit it from there.