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Tile glitches
Posted: 2009.04.29 (02:04)
by Avire117
I've read around places that you can make tiles that look like normal tiles, but you can walk right through them. Does anyone know how to do that in Ned?
Re: Tile glitches
Posted: 2009.04.29 (14:57)
by blackson
Find the desired tile in the tileset text, and replace it with a '.'
Note: This tile will mock the tile that was previously there. Depending on the map before it, the map with the fake tiles might vary. This is why people say "press 5 before loading" as this loads a full map, thus filling in all fake tiles upon loading.
Note^2: lord_day figured a way around all that. You'd have to ask him, BUT I BET HE'D SAY NO AND MAKE YOU FIGURE IT OUT.
Re: Tile glitches
Posted: 2009.04.30 (02:02)
by Avire117
Aw. Maybe Metanet will implement it officially in the future. Not a big deal. Oh well.