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Posted: 2009.04.30 (02:03)
by bigllama99
How do you NaN them? I forgot :/
Re: Drones
Posted: 2009.04.30 (02:11)
by Avire117
Use NED +
its an awesome editor with the NaN option built in.
Heres the link at the old forums
Re: Drones
Posted: 2009.04.30 (06:12)
by KlanKaos
To NaN drones, the steps go like this.
Place the drone.
Return to the main editor menu, the one with the data box.
Edit the last character in the code to something not recognized. I prefer to use > , some people use other keys. As long as it's not a number, you're usually OK.
Load the new data by clicking out of the textbox and hitting L.
You're set.