I explored the code of the extension and discovered the problem, in the file /chrome/content/numadd.js it had:
Code: Select all
// Check the active tab is an N map
if (content.document.location.hostname != "nmaps.net"
|| content.document.title.indexOf("N Map") == -1) {
numaddPrompts.alert(null, "numADD", "This is not an N map.") ;
return ;
Code: Select all
// Check the active tab is an N map
if (content.document.location.hostname != "www.nmaps.net"
|| content.document.title.indexOf("N Map") == -1) {
numaddPrompts.alert(null, "numADD", "This is not an N map.") ;
return ;
I tried to contact the creator of numADD, but I couldn't find his email address.