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My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.12 (19:32)
by Cheez
I've been wondering what my best style of mapping would be for a long time.
I've tried various styles, but haven't really settled on my own.
I'm going to ask you guys what my best attempt at a style has been.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.12 (19:46)
by Spawn of Yanni
Not particularly answering the question, but read through
this topic if you haven't already.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.12 (19:58)
by Cheez
Spawn of Yanni wrote:Not particularly answering the question, but read through
this topic if you haven't already.
I read it.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.12 (20:31)
by sheganican
You dont need a style. Just map.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (00:30)
by Rose
shenanigan wrote:You dont need a style. Just map.
In fact, I consider style a bad thing. It often locks you in to one thing and prevents you from branching out.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (00:40)
by Pheidippides
maxson924 wrote:shenanigan wrote:You dont need a style. Just map.
In fact, I consider style a bad thing. It often locks you in to one thing and prevents you from branching out.
That's not true. Style is a good thing to have. It separates the maps of astheoceansblue, Yahoozy, and others even from the rest of NUMA's best and brightest. It gives maps character, which puts them above any other maps that are only fundamentally sound.
Style, however, isn't something that can be developed purposefully, or at least quickly, from what I've seen. It's something that comes from lots of mapping experience. Just work on making better and better maps. You'll begin to notice what works for you and what doesn't, and you'll be a bit closer to finding a style than you would be if you were actively trying to define one for yourself. That self-definition is exactly what people think is so limiting about style, but look at any Yahoozy or atob map, and you'll see that they aren't as profoundly limited as you think, because they don't treat style that way.
Basically, the best advice I can offer is to just forget about style and keep mapping without an agenda. ;)
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (02:29)
by ChaoStar
Style is like a pit. You can only fall into it.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (06:26)
by Viil
My style is not having one, Or maybe my style is just random...
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (06:38)
by SkyPanda
Oh no, Pheidi, they got to you too! :(
Chaostar wrote:Style is like a pit. You can only fall into it.
Haha, nice. This works on so many levels. (but i disagree)
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (06:44)
by squibbles
You guys have this all wrong. Having a style doesn't nessisarially mean that all your maps are the same. I had this discussion with Lord_Day a while back. He was telling me that he had no individual style, but I pointed out how easy it is to recognise a "Lord_Day" map. Regardless of the fact that his maps are not just spin-offs of the previous one, he clearly has something that is recognisable.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (09:43)
by  yahoozy
Style is not something you obtain. In my experience, it's not something you consciously develop, either. It's a repercussion of experience and continued mapping, and acts as a testament to your growth as a mapmaker. Over time, as you realize what you enjoy in maps, something that is completely subjective, you actualize an aesthetic style that is completely your own. Style is in no way bad thing, also; it doesn't mean you invariably make similar maps. Style and inclusiveness are two completely different things.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (11:05)
by a happy song
Yahoozy wrote:Style is not something you obtain. In my experience, it's not something you consciously develop, either. It's a repercussion of experience and continued mapping, and acts as a testament to your growth as a mapmaker. Over time, as you realize what you enjoy in maps, something that is completely subjective, you actualize an aesthetic style that is completely your own. Style is in no way bad thing, also; it doesn't mean you invariably make similar maps. Style and inclusiveness are two completely different things.
I would say though, that once obtained a style will undoubtedly cause slumps of comfort. By that I mean periods where an author will autopilot their submissions happily. This isn't necessarily a bad thing unless you consider innovation or separation to be the most defining factors in successful mapping.
I find that the style I prefer makes it difficult to break out and try new things as I'm truly comfortable with what I enjoy, and when at worse this can cause a lack in excitement for both author and player which is never much fun. However, for the most part, a grown style will result in a much higher average quality, so when the author truly peaks they will surpass those who haven't managed to develop this and its here that the negatives absolutely pale.
Most authors who haven't developed their own style are currently lacking in lack the creative ability to produce the truly inspirational and classic maps; That a developed style might sometimes breed periods of excessive comfort is a fair trade of for the inevitable moments of clarity that produce the most outstanding maps on NUMA.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (14:05)
by Pheidippides
SkyPanda wrote:Oh no, Pheidi, they got to you too! :(
Wha... What'd I do?
Funny how I mention atob and Yahoozy, and here they are - agreeing with me, no less. You guys managed to pinpoint what I was trying to convey with my post. I feel special. :)
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (19:05)
by Cheez
I think I see what you guys are getting at.
I'm working with a style I've used in about 4-5 maps so far, and it's getting good results.
It is:
Furry Ant wrote:Neo-Metanesque with PALEMOON elements
and I'm enjoying it so far. I also like to use different styles, though, so my maps aren't all going to have the same thumbnail.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (21:46)
by unoriginal name
Cheez wrote:I think I see what you guys are getting at.
Judging by the rest of that post, you obviously aren't.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (21:55)
by Cheez
I'm not trying to make that style work.
I am simply creating my maps differently than I used to.
I suppose it is my style of creating the map that has changed, and thus produced different results.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.13 (22:06)
by Radium
I have a style. I love it.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.16 (09:21)
by Arona_Daal
I would go so far as to say I have my own style simply because no one has compared me to anyone with a "trademarked" style. I would like to think that sometimes I can imitate the gameplay of kiaora's maps and PALEMOON's jagged aesthetics, but my maps are pretty varied in both aspects.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.17 (15:19)
by unoriginal name
Arona_Daal wrote:kiaora's maps
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.19 (05:03)
by otters~1
Pheidippides wrote:Basically, the best advice I can offer is to just forget about style and keep mapping without an agenda. ;)
Says a man who
is style.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.19 (14:09)
by Pheidippides
flagmyidol wrote:Pheidippides wrote:Basically, the best advice I can offer is to just forget about style and keep mapping without an agenda. ;)
Says a man who
is style.
I have style? I guess it worked for me, then. ;)
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.19 (22:05)
by a happy song
Pheidippides wrote:
I have style? I guess it worked for me, then. ;)
Your designs are some of the most obvious and furthest from generic in the entire archive. I also like how you seem to be so underground cool, slipping in a map pack or sub with minimal fuss and so much style.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.07.29 (19:40)
by MattyMc13
Don't have a stlye, just an idea of what kind of map you will make, what the aesthetics might, and the enemies you will use.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.08.03 (08:29)
by Borealis
Just like any art I create, I map from the heart, and it doesn't connect to my brain. I actually think that's quite obvious for anyone to see, becuase some of my maps don't have flow or many 'traditional' gameplay elements. They feel robotic sometimes. Is that a good thing? I'm not sure.
Re: My "style"
Posted: 2009.08.04 (22:49)
by mintnut
I'm surprised you are so self centred as ask this question...just get on with it and stop worrying.
Also - atob - it's nice and snug in my rut, why should I be afraid to stall in a certain mapping style when I like it so much. Sometimes I just crave an album full of two chord wishy, washy, warm, and cuddly synths because that's what I feel like, surely I can have the same thing from maps?